
Saturday, February 25, 2017

CLIF HIGH TWEET: ET in California Desert

Purported ET Tweeted by Clif High from 4Chan, said to be reason it was shut down

Not sure what kind of Galactic this is, a reptilian? 
 First I have ever seen of this type...

GAIA PORTAL: Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness

Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness

by ÉirePort

Preliminary constructs become clear, and are manifested in fullness.

Heavens of the masses are unveiled for the nothingness they are.

Portals of Levitations come to all who request.

Mortification paradigms1 are recognized, and dissolve.

Time shares are granted.

ÉirePort | February 25, 2017 at 07:07 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

1. Could also be the illusion of death being seen for what it is, illusion.  Gaia Portal can often be read on several levels of meaning, all of which are correct, depending on perspective.