
Monday, November 6, 2017

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Conference Call Transcript
wtith Bob Wright and Judy Jandora
October 31, 2017

Conference Call with Bob Wright, Judy Jandora and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf on  October 31st

Transcription by Denice,  spelling and typo checked by Terran.

Bob Wright: You have been asking a lot of questions and want to you know want some help just so you know it's impossible for me to sit and answer everyone's questions.  But I do offer private consulting if you'd like to book a session just send me an email.

If you're not familiar with free conference call and you want to have a comment or something... you can click star six to unmute your mic otherwise please leave your mic muted.  Judy can you hear me?

Judy Jandora: I can hear you just fine. Can you hear me all right?

Bob Wright: Yes I want to get right into this because there's a lot of information to share and I apologize for being away for so long but I had some health issues actually spent some time in the hospital.

But I'm back and I'm feeling a lot better and I thought it would be important for everyone to get an update and some information that we can use to move forward now.

I know a lot of you have been disheartened, have been patiently waiting, but I want you to,...  I really want to help you understand from a different perspective what's really going on.

Have you looked at your news lately? Have you looked at the main stream media lately? All of this Hollywood pedophile stuff people being exposed?  Indictments happening? Do you think for one moment that any of that crap wants...  did they want to get out?

You are such powerful beings! And it's your attention it's the lack of fear because people have moved from fear to just being fed up and I know a lot of you feel that sentiment because I also feel that sentiment.

When you move out of fear what you actually do is you begin to starve them. I don't know if everybody understands what the archons are or everything but they [feed] off of that energy that energy of fear and anger and all of that.

Because of you because of what you are doing because your focus is no longer on fear they're starving, beginning to cannibalize themselves and it's really important for all of us to continue in that vein because what we're doing really what you're seeing is the crumbling of the entire system and I'm going to explain to you how that's happening so that you can understand the position we're in and it's a good one.

It's a very good one we're in a very powerful position. Now a lot of you have been watching the case between Heather and Randy and that case is so important because the implications go so far.

You want to explain some of the things some of the highlights of that case and what happened in court the first day of the jurisdiction hearing and why it's the jurisdiction is so important.

Number one a lot of people don't know what a Praecipe is.  A Praecipe is a writ, which is a command for action or non action. Different from a motion. Different from a request. It is one of the most powerful  forms you could use in the court of law.

The Praecipe that Heather filed really put Judge Shirley in a position that he must answer for why his actions, and why he will not take the action that she specified. One of the things you need to understand, and Heather mentioned  about the Criminal [Court] Registry Investment Program that is when the Clerk of Courts collects all the fees, fines, and charges he takes that and invest it through the Criminal [Court] Registry.Investment System now the CRIS [Court Registry Investment System] takes all those charges goes to the very accounts that they're denying. They get paid now once they get paid.

They are funneled to JP Morgan, which creates Treasury Bonds for profit.  The implications of that are profound!  Number one it means the court is engaged in commerce and commerce is governed by the Bible of Commerce, which is the UCC code.