
Monday, February 19, 2018

Heather update 2/19/18

Heather is well and of good cheer, but has been in 23 hr lockdown since late last Wednesday.  Her "elbow counsel" attorney met with her on Wednesday and exchanged some documents and filed a motion for an extension of time to reply to the court.  

The transcripts of the trial were not yet available from the court, although they did quote BZ a price of getting them privately for $5700, which is quite expensive.  Rule of thumb in the past was $400-500 per day.  Heather's attorney said she qualifies for a free copy but those don't come out as fast, (clerks work on a contract basis) and that should be forthcoming this week or next.

All of Heather's replies have to be written with jail issued "golf pencils", and its made getting documents our of jail and to the court much more cumbersome.  The penciled replies are digitally scanned first before filing, so they cannot be altered. 

The Roger D. Wilson detention facility, operated by Knox County Sheriff and is a dual use facility. It contracts to the US Marshals for Federal prisoners.  These continuous 23 hour lock downs, only allow an hour a day for phone calls and showers, and no outdoor exercise. Normally the pod she is in would get two 4 hour breaks each day.  The women within the pod are not happy with the unexplained lock downs.  The US Marshals have been extremely professional but do not run the prison.

Randall Beane has been moved to Ocilla Georgia ICE facility and that has serious complicated his interactions with his attorney.

A request from Heather's attorney: Please do not send him mail for Heather, he is not a mailman. One person sent a letter to Heather there. I have it and will give it to her.  Send all mail directly to the Roger D Wilson Detention facility, you can get the specifics of how to do that and what kinds of mail are allowed at BZ Riger's blog at  

BZ's web site has been under continuous attack since the end of the trial, so if it goes down, come back in a hour and BZ will have it back online again.

I was going to leave after the trial and be with Heather's extended family and explain to them what happened here. I had no further instructions from Heather and really didn't know where I should be.  Heather contacted me about 4 days after entering the facility and asked me to stay through February to assist with more documents.  I expect that could extend into March, perhaps April.    I have been on the road for about 7 months now but will see this through with her.

I want to thank everyone who has been so generous in supporting this effort.  A special thank you to Bruce B. for his generous contribution, when I received that I did not know I'd be staying here through February, but it was most prescient of him.  Scans, printing, certified copies of court documents are not cheap, all those cost at least 50 cents a sheet, (transcripts much more than that!) and add to court copies the charges of certification stamps.   We've gone through a mountain of HP ink jet cartridges and those don't come cheap either.  Just parking at the court is $8-10 a day (depending on the length of stay).   If you can help with the time remaining here it would be most appreciated.  I'm guess I've got 4 to 6 weeks here yet. Click on the trees on the right side of the blog for the PayPal link.

Our host had me move out of my old room and I am now the room Judy and Heather shared.     A little bigger space and my feet don't hit the foot rails of the twin bed like the old room.  Judy has gone back to her hone in North Carolina.