
GAIA PORTAL: Soothing vibrations inflow to the masses

Terran note: This post seems to correlate with the messages I’ve been getting this week. I’m not sure what a “Fliegelmeister” is but there is a Disney movie that references Fliegel. “Farsights” is a word Heather has used in court to reference remote viewers (as in Farsight Institute).  There’s been a few Heatherisms in Gaia Portal lately.

Soothing vibrations inflow to the masses
by ÉirePort

Soothing vibrations inflow to the masses.

Overreaches are abandoned.

Fliegelmeisters awaken.

Farsights are enabled.

The chariots are coming.

ÉirePort | February 9, 2019 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: