
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Message from #HATJ 6/19/19

Heather as a teenager

6-19-19 P.M. Check-in
Jun 20, 2019 at 1:34 AM

Buonnnnnnnnnna serrrrrrrrrrra to you, Youssef, Lili, BZ and Keegan, Paul, Bill, Denice, Judy Bird, Wes and Jen, Missy, and Nikki! 

I was called over the speaker phone just now to get mail, that apparently they have been calling me for for days now...however, they did not know how to say my name, and therefore, i never knew they were calling me...why they did not call the 007 number, i do not know. 

The mail was the italian package regarding Antartica (i will read it tomorrow as my eyes can barely stay open at the moment)...the second was from a book distributor (delivering for lili) a Ringing Cedars Series Book, Book # 7 ENERGY OF LIFE, that had a small FEATHER in it when i opened the joke...a feather. lol. 

buona notte to all! 
hugs and love and reunions and celebrations to all! 
ALL ON!!!!!!!!!!!