First instance of Radiance showing up |
Margaret and Martha shared with me:
Margaret: T and all. I think I have something important or at least related to today's blog.
Margaret: On Late Friday night, early Sat morning I took photos outside. One was beautiful and unique to me. The next day I saw a blog post with the same coloring and the word radiance. I'll send both. I'm sure it means something because whenever I get a hit, I get the shaky feeling like a sugar drop. I'm getting it now as I type this.
Terran: What is a “sugar drop”?
Margaret: …I mean that feeling you get where you feel shaky if you haven't eaten enough in a long time.
Lyrada (the Lyran) seen in the portal |
Margaret: Great blog, T! Very affirming. We've all got to keep going!! ❤️
Martha: I saw the word “radiant” yesterday in a random place too. Surprised me.
Martha: But what I’m seeing over and over is swirls. A bunch of sewing videos that appeared in odd places where people are sewing a Greek key design of a square swirl. A bunch! And photos of those sewn on stuff. And then posts with 🌀 posted over and over where the word “spiral” had nothing to do with the text. I’m remembering T added it to the old group after we talked about portals, so it always reminds me of portals. I dunno. But there are no coincidences. As some well known guy says.
Margaret: I think it's so cool that we all are getting similar messages. There are no coincidences and I think we are being told that things are moving forward in a positive way. I think it's great that we are getting the same message but in slightly different ways. I think that's how it works! We each are on our own path that is taking us to unity/reunion.
Margaret: 🥳🥳🥳
Margaret: Yes! That is my dear friend, Lyarada!!
Margaret: … It was like I was zapped with way too much energy at first. That evening I felt L's energy a lot of the evening. I felt "full" and kind of buzzy. It felt very easy to connect. That was a nice experience. But I haven't had that experience since. But a while after that experience, L showed up in those photos where you could see them quite clearly in a bubble. I caught hundreds of snaps.
Margaret: Most of the time when I take photos at night it’s just black
Margaret: I am learning, I think, that a person's energy signature is wired to catch the energies. I'm thinking that one of my roles is to connect with energies and share what I get. I realize now how much I've taken for granted that I can step out my back door, start communicating and then start to capture energies.
Margaret: I guess like some people are easily telepathic, this is something I can do because of my genes. Now I want to see those energies with by eyes.
Terran: It’s easier for some than others but not impossible. I was listening to Farsight Institute video on Noah and the flood…. Aziz Brown stopped at one point and did a little rant that you have to work at these skill to get good at them. Felt like he was speaking to me!
Margaret: I would have to agree that it's a skill. Like exercise you just have to do it to get stronger at it. But I also take into account that a star soccer player has a lot less work to do to make a goal in a professional game than I would. Starting at very different places 😃
Margaret: Having said that, lately I am getting very strong messages that ALL of us are supposed to be doing way more internal work than we are doing. I'm trying but I often fall asleep when I try. Maybe I go somewhere. Who knows.
Terran: Did you notice the tiny lights below Lyradas feet? Almost like she’s on a platform?
Margaret: I did. I think those are orbs visiting to witness Lyarada being there. I do catch those orbs often. I'm starting to get the impression that I'm really seeing a group of beings who are patiently waiting for me to realize that.