
Wednesday, May 11, 2022


I’m going through a lot of energetic changes right now.  At times I’m flattened by the energies!  I’m getting intuitive hits but seems to be causing me to ask questions others don’t want answer. I have been careful avoiding questions that give away military moves (and sometimes I see those intuitively).  But I’m managing to tread on the cow pies in the pasture nobody wants to talk about. 

So I’m in a weird spot keeping my mouth shut because I don't want to be yet another Telegram pundit (little out there resonates except verifiable actions).  And I don't want to give away moves that are needed. And none of that is very conducive to a donation funded blog. 

I don’t resonate with those that think you must hate another human being in order to have the world shift. There’s enough of that in the world already!  This world is screwed up by polarity and more of is not going to fix it. 

I found these videos very helpful in this moment of stress. 

Kryon on the innate and healing (its mislabeled as the Plieadians are coming)

Abraham Hicks

I found elements in both of these helpful.  

Support for this blog is helpful at this point.  My expenses are greater than my income and the cost of fuel is eating me alive! I have been devoting my attention to those activites that pay the bills right now.  April was bad.