
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gender Roles and Homosexuality in Space Lyrians and on Earth, and Past Lives.

This is from Mari Swa, from Taygeta and it's a very balanced view on gender, homosexuality and past lives.  It pretty much aligns with what I have known and its stated very well.   Humans on Earth are of the Lyran body type, which is found on countless worlds.  Humans are quite literally found everywhere.   And you probably thought greys were the only ETs?

It has been said by others that an Essence (or Soul) generally incarnates in a gender it prefers, over and over.  I have almost always chosen to be male.   Sometimes an essence desires to be a different gender and some have said that even after they enter a new form, say a female to a male, they are still attracted to males for a couple of incarnations.  Others as Mari states in the video deliberately incarnate to experience being gay.  And from the essence/soul perspective that is a valid choice.of experience, even if a minority of the population and in certain cultures very difficult. 

I'd embed this in the blog but that feature is disabled on YouTube.  The link is below: