
Friday, April 19, 2019

KP: Align with higher energies....

Terran note: This video of KP's resonated with me a lot. I have been noticing this tendency among some groups that imagine every ache is a directed energy attack or archons.  What is happening on Earth now has no precedent in Galactic history.  Never has an entire planet gone through "ascension" to a new frequency octave while still in body. 

The frequencies have been rising gradually since 2012 and even though we have the assistance of every well meaning being in the universe this has never been done before and everything is being monitored and adjusted moment by moment. And sometimes it don't feel so good.  That's just natural.

What I am noticing is that in April life seems to be flowing in a beneficial way rather than an antagonistic fighting tooth and nail way, and that's a welcome relief.  It all flows best from a state of joy.

Be careful with polarity, play with dualism you get it back, and the "dark t-shirts" (as Sophia Love calls them), are better at duality than you are. They feed off it.   Love you all!  - Terran