
Friday, February 18, 2022

A dream - Elon Musk's silver bar

February 15, 2020

I dreamed I was in a one story commercial building. It seemed to be my office but I also seemed to live there.  2-3 rooms. The back room some workers came in and put in a door to an office next door. I couldn’t figure out why they put in a door as it was my space. But I was going to take it up with the leasing people later.

I got out my back door. There’s Elon with his new cyber truck. {my redacted friend] comes by and asks if he can drive it. Elon tosses him the keys, and I get in so he doesn't do anything crazy. So it seems [my redacted friend] is going to park it in a stall at the end of the street. While [my redacted friend] is trying to park it he hits the cement block wall in front of the parking stall.! I’m horrified! Then he hits the wall again. There a hole in it.  The truck has surprisingly little damage just the part at the front. He gives out a chuckle-laugh and says “this car is such a piece of shit!” (I've had numerous disagreements with him in that regard).  By this time I’m screaming at [my reedacted friend] to stop and let me out! He lets me out then drives off!

So I head back to my office and profusely apologize to Elon. For some reason he’s nowin my office. I tell him [my redacted friend] has been a bad driver ever since the Pleiades. 

Elon lays down a rectangle of silver with one side that is slanted in and rippled artistically like someone had ripped an edge off of it. He laid that down on a stack of cardboard boxes along with a hundred dollar bill. The silver rectangle was thin like the thickness of a ring band but had an edgearound the edge about 3 coins high for stiffness.  I noticed on the silver bar was a picture of earth, a laser engraved hologram plus some kind of hologram data code squares but not bar code or a QR code.  

I was fascinated by this thing and where Elon got it. He seemed to be paying for things with these. They were artistic and beautiful. Like a metallic bank note.

Elon says to me, “if you look closely at the silver there’s laser encodings of the locations of freshwater lakes and other key natural resources. "

I asked if it was for me, he says “yes,, thank you for risking your life trying to stop him”. He didn’t seem angry just resigned to the fact his truck damaged and out of sight.