
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

GW Hardin: The Radiance Key ... that Unlocks the Wonders of Life

By GW Hardin

Three breakthroughs in science are rocking the world of physics and are also transforming the face of metaphysics. If our planet has been poisoned by chaos of late, then these three discoveries are the antidote. Let me attempt to explain.

Here are the three breakthroughs:

1. Nassim Haramein’s discovery of quantum gravity and his Theory of Everything.
2. Hameroff and Penrose’s identifying fractal consciousness … which
corroborates …
3. Haramein’s paper on the new Scaling Law of physics.

On a planet in turmoil, these three milestones lead to the key to humanity’s unlocking a gate to wonders not realized by our modern world, where a splendid treasure hides behind the greatest of scientific epiphanies. We have let ourselves become blinded by the darkness that surrounds us, not knowing that a radiant light dwells within us like an undiscovered treasure confirming our vast value. It only takes one person to notice this radiance for the blindness to end. For this treasure resides within all humanity. We have only to realize our inherent richness. Let’s dare to take a peek.

We will explore this key to these wonders with the following topics:

1. Finding the Fractal Key … great wonders stare us in the face.
2. Time-space & space-time … faster-than-the-speed-of-light is the new black.
3. Fractal consciousness … connecting to the Councils of Creation.

In previous workshops and papers I have gone into detail regarding the other half of existence, called “Time-Space,” the reciprocal of “Space-Time,” where the latter has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time while the former has three dimensions of time and one dimension of space. In everyday language, space-time is ordinary reality, while time-space is non-ordinary or otherworldly reality — what I prefer to call the other half of our existence. Examining the three breakthroughs from the perspective of time-space permits us to open our eyes to the treasure of wonders that emanates from an undiscovered inherent Radiance. To see the treasure is to have the treasure.

(Nerd Alert: If you want to read the technical details, go to the “Technical Addendum”)

Finding the Fractal Key … Unleashing the Richness of Life

My first awareness on the fractal nature of the universe came about in my readings of the Book of the Law of One, where I first became exposed to space-time in tandem with time-space. That then led me to “The Daniel Papers,” where “Daniel” connects the scientific theory behind time-space with the otherworldliness of metaphysics. Physics and metaphysics finally meet.

In the Book of the Law of One, we are introduced to aspects of consciousness that govern the forces of creation at fractal levels by beings called “Logoi.” And, yes, this is connected to the religious term of the Logos (Christ). Over the years, I became aware that these Logoi have Councils of Creation associated with them. These Councils reflect the diversity of creation, which means the council members necessarily don’t always agree on how creation might manifest or how it might function. The point being that these higher Councils are fractal in nature. Which means they all are connected to one another by their very nature in the Oneness of the Universe.

About a year ago began a series of visits by beings I had never seen before. Being a bit of a skeptic, I took great effort in trying to identify them before going any further with the information I have been given. My conclusion was that these beings are what I have come to call “higher angels.” They are not like the angelics I have seen in the past, but they do carry the undeniable signature of Love that surrounds them. The information began as mathematical, which is often the case with me. From that, I began to see how the work that I had done with the Solfeggio Matrix was not only fractal, but that there was a way in which it operated in Time-Space. I will spare you the technicalities but will say that what they showed me ties the Solfeggio Matrix in completely with Nicola Tesla’s statement on the power of the 3, 6, 9. What I could not figure out was how to put this information to use.

Over frustrating months I tried to understand why these higher angels were showing me all these puzzle pieces. I knew it had to be important by the very nature of its mathematical wonder. In my dreams they tried to relay to me that the information was an antidote to the current chaos our planet has been facing. But how? And why? For months more I struggled with the pieces before me. And one night the missing puzzle piece finally showed up.

In Hinduism is a geometry, called the Sri Yantra, considered by many to be most sacred. What bewildered me was my noticing that there existed several variations of this geometry all claiming to be the correct version. Upon close examination, I discovered from a mathematical point of view that all of them were flawed, except for one, the oldest design discovered long ago on a rock face.

As I began to notice similarities between this geometry and the Solfeggio Matrix, it occurred to me that the Solfeggio Matrix is inherently fractal. But what I had not seen was the geometry of the 3-6-9, what I ultimately labeled “The Key.” Did this key have the capacity to assist humans in connecting with the Councils of Creation? And if so, what might be the implications. And thus I began a series of experiments which indicated that I was indeed onto something. If humanity has the ability to tap into the various fractal levels of consciousness, what might that look like? I knew through the work of Michael Newton, PhD, (Destiny of Souls) that there exists “soul groups” that act like a council. That led to the discovery of “soul councils,” usually headed by an ascended master. Might there be even higher councils to which humanity has the ability to connect? It turns out the answer is yes!


As part of the experiments, connecting to these Higher Councils brought about three discoveries. Each of these discoveries in turn led to more explorations. The only discovery I will discuss here is the amazing ability that humanity has to funnel down a life-changing phenomenon from these Higher Councils that I call “Radiance.” This radiance is a brilliance that moves into our bodies via our Higher Selves causing a floodgate of change that dispels any darkness, whether that is personal darkness or global darkness, causing the body to respond in ways that can be described as wondrous, depending on the situation. What proved most interesting is that I discovered how easy this is for folks. You only have to get out of the way and allow this to happen, which gets back to my workshops and videos on “inherent thriving.” Like inherent-thriving, this is not about the power of intent or manifesting. It’s about saying to oneself, “This is who I am. May I thrive in my being-ness.” If you are having a bad day or a difficult physical or emotional or mental issue, you have only to focus on the issue while connecting to the fractal-based Higher Councils attached to the Logoi, and let their response flow back through you automatically. What shows up? Radiance. By just being in the Radiance you become a groundwork for experience that then leads to wisdom, which in turn leads to the dissolving of karma. Poof. Change. Potential for the wondrous.

Making this sound simple is important in getting folks to think and then act outside of the box. However, as humans, we tend to make our lives quite complicated and complex. So it is becoming evident to me that I also need a series of workshops on how to rediscover this simplicity. Show more detail about the Key. And I intend on doing that. So if any of this interests you, send me an email to with the word “fractal” and I’ll make sure you get the forthcoming announcement on a new “Course in Wonders” that I will likely start in March. Also keep in mind that my last four Zoom webinars have sold out, and there’s a good chance that will happen again. Those who email me will be given temporary place-holding.

In previous workshops I have talked about the “Wheel of Karma” and the “Wheel of Grace.” In the past I have seen these as choices. And anytime we make a choice we become responsible. A lot of folks have difficulty with that. With the Radiance Key, you have only to be yourself, for better or for worse. By simply allowing change to come to you rather than seek it out, you become an instrument of change for our entire world. If you want to do something about the Darkness that has inundated our world of late, here’s a way for you to address that by being in your fullness. As I like to say, “Know Thyself, Trust Thyself, Forgive Thyself.” All else flows from there. From this, one can fully “be thyself.”

from my heart to yours,


Time-Space & Space-Time … “To Infinity, and Beyond”

In 1998 Harvard’s Hau Lab discovered how to change the speed of light by slowing it down using Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Did any of you hear about this? One would think the media would have jumped all over contradicting Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that light is not a constant after all. Years after, in 2015 Science News published an article “The Speed of Light Not So Constant After All.” Indeed, Harvard has made further discoveries showing that phenomena exist beyond the speed of light.

At the time Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was published, another theory of equal impact was also discovered: Larsen’s Theory of Reciprocal Systems (Time-Space). Almost no one understood relativity at the time and equally so almost none understood Larsen’s Theory indicating that an entire unseen world exists. In Larsen’s Theory time could not be constant because time did not exist the same way it existed in space-time. Indeed, in time-space there were three dimensions to time, not one as we currently perceive it. With the increasing popularity of relativity, Larsen’s Theory fell into complete disfavor. Until, that is, the occurrence of the Philadelphia Experiment, where Larsen’s Theory proved true. Intelligence agencies have denied the existence of the Philadelphia experiment, but I have firsthand evidence to the contrary.

Since Harvard brought an end to the notion that time is constant, let’s assume that if time can be slowed down it must also be able to be sped up. So what happens when anything goes past the speed of light? It enters Time-Space. And in the last four years scientists have discovered a growing number of phenomena that do indeed exceed the speed of light.

In the Book of the Law of One, direct statements are made that establish metaphysics operates in time-space. From a scientific perspective, different undefinable names are invented to refer to the same thing, like “quantum vacuum” or “zero point.” Scattered through the five volumes of the book are several references to time-space and Larson’s work. Perhaps the best handling of the complexities of time-space were written in the “Daniel Papers” by a scientist/engineer involved in the intelligence community in a program that came about because of the Philadelphia Experiment.

In the Daniel Papers we get a glimpse of how this other world operates that exists in time-space. Growing evidence of this world is emerging from new findings in science. One in particular I wish to point out is the extraordinary work being done by Stuart Hameroff, MD, and physicist Roger Penrose, PhD, who have now come forth with the discovery of “Fractal Consciousness.”

Fractal Consciousness

Neither consciousness nor memory are well understood, other than to admit that without either we would be pretty much lifeless. Spiritual masters and neuroscientists certainly have a great deal to say about both of these phenomena. The problem is that neither usually agrees. To complicate an already complicated topic, Hameroff and Penrose have discovered that both consciousness and memory are fractal. And equally puzzling is their scientific evidence that shows both can, and do, operate in the brain and outside the brain. So what was mother nature thinking?

To put into context how impossible it is to fully explain the fractal nature of consciousness to you, here is what one of the top physicists in the world, Stephen Hawking has to say about fractals: “… manifolds are what we know how to deal with, whereas we have no idea how to formulate physical laws on a fractal.” Indeed, Haramein tip-toes past calling his new discovery fractal. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck …

Fractals are rampant throughout nature. You see them in the seeds of a sunflower, the branching in trees, and the makeup of clouds. The patterns they create are made up of basic shapes repeating themselves over and over again, either at smaller and smaller scale or larger and larger scale. Our DNA uses fractal shapes in its antenna structures. Here is an example of a high-tech fractal antenna based on DNA antenna structure:

Rather than bombard you with scientific explanation how Hameroff and Penrose have made their case as to the fractal nature of microtubules (frequencies) — showing microtubules to be the holder of consciousness within the body — and the fractal gateway nature of CaMKII catalytic proteins — which they have shown to be the activating principle in memory — I’ll simply show you their geometry and then jump to the important part that indicates these inherent participants in human anatomy reveal to us our great wonder:

Notice the red hexagon on the microtubule. Notice also that this hexagonal shape can go anywhere onto the microtubule, which is exactly what happens when the hexagonal catalytic proteins move onto microtubules. These proteins act as quantum gateways to memory by coupling with the consciousness resident in microtubules. And this is how Hameroff and Penrose are showing the connection between consciousness/memory inside the brain/body and outside. Hameroff willingly admits that this quantum gateway gives humans the ability to move their consciousness anywhere outside the body. What he is not aware of is Nassim Haramein’s Theory of Everything that causes Haramein to conclude that the universe is conscious. And what Haramein is not aware of is that Hameroff/Penrose show there is a scaling law that shows up with the CaMKII quantum gateways — across fractal consciousness — that matches perfectly with Haramein’s new discovery of the Scaling Law of Physics. Both of these camps realize that this transfer of awareness from the brain to wherever is done instantly, faster than the speed of light … which means it has to operate in time-space. And thus the circle is squared. These two teams should get together some day.
End of article


Terran note: I am not a fan of the Law of One, mostly because I believe its a big contributor to purported dark ones continuing to do what they do and dragging things out, thinking they will ascend in doing so. In reality they just get removed and reincarnate in another circumstance and another moment. Slicing the ALL into slices and percentages is not ONENESS. The spiritual hierarchy was an illusion. It's all one. When does Source cease to be Source? Only when that particular instance of Source choses to believe it is not for the experience of having that limited perception. Everything in every realm has been managed by belief.

The Law of One and the Urantia book is followed by many of the banking and political elite families.  If you are on this planet and not trying to kill everyone, you will "ascend".  Guaranteed. Others will remove themselves by "their own hand and heart" simply because of the low frequencies they choose for their inbodyment.  Preservation of life on this planet is paramount, there will be no 'harvest".

In addition I prefer the nomenclature the Galactics use when it comes to the terms "time space" and "space time" which they call "inter-realm" and "realm".  They repeatedly tell me there is no time, only the now. GW uses his terms to fit his audience.

I greatly respect GW's math and science expertise, it greatly exceeds my own at this moment.  He told me about this forthcoming article after I had been seeing all the references to Radiance.

As with all writings, including my own, use your higher discernment.