
Friday, May 10, 2024

May Donations


May 2, 2024

Hi everyone!  Thank you all for the support you've alway given!  It is greatly appreciated! First of the month bills are coming due and I'd like to raise $800 or better this month.  If you can help out use the QR codes below or click on the donation button on the right side in the web browser version.  PayPal and Venmo arrive immediately, there's about a 5 day clearance on Stripe donations, but for some overseas, it's their only choice. 

All the anomalies that came forth in my local environment seemed to have been a portent of much change.  It's like reality begins changing and stuff flys in through the cracks... lol. I saw similar things in Morocco before I headed to Italy.   I don't expect I am moving anywhere soon, but you never know.   

It could be more a matter "if you build it they will come".  We shall see!  I see some of it manifesting but I think this just the beginning.  I'm being deliberately vague for the moment.  As it's all a bit vague for me how it all plays out.  No expectations, however things flow.

The most recent anomaly was when I got home after a late night of driving there was a bird in my kitchen.  I have no idea how it got there.  The cat didn't see it fortunately, I locked him in the bedroom and I tried to catch it but I called it quits at 4 am. I decided to trying again the next day.  I woke the next morning with the bird on my bedroom bookcase and the cat in hot pursuit.  The bird got exhausted enough I was able to catch it and release it into the woods behind my apartment.  It will live out its life in the wild.

GW Hardin sent me this email on the bird...

These animal totems started on my 40th birthday when a huge California Condor (a very large vulture) landed in an oak tree outside my office. I asked GW about that thinking it was something awful but he told me it mean renewed life.  That was the time I was rapidly waking up and asking questions about life. 

In Morocco, while showering a rusty sink strainer fell down from the concrete ceiling. How that happened I have no clue. It nearly hit me. I picked it up off the wet floor, thought about it, got the message "people are being sifted out of Morocco" and that's exactly what happened. A little later a swallow bird flew into my apartment at midnight, and the cat I had, "Pixel" was chasing it around, I did manage to shoo that one back out the open window. I looked up that Indian animal totem and it said it was a good sign for sailors, but also could be a portent of loved one dying. My daughter's grandmother died 3 days later.

Pixel the Morocco cat

I am working regularly now, not completely out of the hole I got into a couple of months ago but things are definitely improving.  Inflation is eating me alive in the grocery area, but you see that too.  I am only buying the basics lately.

I love you all!
