
Thursday, August 1, 2024

There are moments of clarity in every life.

There are moments of clarity in every life. Real clarity as to the nature of existence here. 

I have a nurse from Ethiopia.  Kindest soul. He grabbed my hand and said I’ll take care of you. It was a gesture I’d not experienced before. It was a handshake but closely aligned to the hand gesture Moroccans do by putting their right hand over their heart after meeting some they trust and feel a heart link too. And he has, as does his friends within the organization. An expression of “I see the real you”.

When surrounded by robotic procedures sold as compassion, you know the difference when someone says “I care”. 

Race means nothing. Politics is worse. Anytime someone tells you who to hate it’s manipulation.

Likewise my brother who shares none of my beliefs, has shown me such love and compassion I’ll never be able to return what he’s done for me. I don’t need him to believe what I do, because he believes in love for his older brother which reduces me to tears of gratitude. Love matters. 

Beliefs fix themselves when one has truthful information, and I had a specific path that brought me where I am, but without love beliefs mean nothing. And I’m thankful his life journey was less tumultuous than mine. I’m also grateful to all existence for my path.  Learned so much.

I love you all!
