
Friday, September 13, 2024

Denice's Dream about Taygetans

Wow! I had an amazing experience last night. I wanted to share it when I woke, but I had an early morning at work.

Preface: I do not follow anyone. I do not know any thing about the 'Tagetians'.

Woke in my dream before 4 am. I was in a new place, night time. Suburbs. My first scene was me walking outside at night. From the left side of a white two or three story house. I was coming out from under a carport or portico. I was looking at the night sky and saw quite a few cylinder shaped ships. Beige. Some were shaped less like Cylinders and more like barbells.

I got so excited and started running down a grassy area. I was shouting to others to look at the sky. I started dancing. I was so happy. I walked back up to the carport/portico and a dark haired male was there. I knew him, but it was casual. We started dancing, but never touched. It was really cool and unique.

Then beings from the ships were coming up the hill toward us. Shouting to the "Tagetians" to come out and there would be Amnesty. If they did not, it would not go easy.

Next scene, I was in a large empty room. There were lots of beings. Dressed like Boy George, large, loose, baggy pants, overcoats, hats. They all had straw colored hair and light pink skin.

Next scene, I was in a room with a few of the women. Dressed the same as the men. One dropped her clothes and was naked. She lay down on a large pillow face down, and she had a tail that covered her bottom. She suddenly changed positions and she was on her back. She delivered a tiny female. The size of my palm. That little one grew instantly. She stood beside her mother and a helmet and uniform came out from her back. Very mechanical. There was a glass face mask with an intricate silver piece that covered her mouth.

I was pulled back outside and there were dozens of beings mostly male, tall, thin, pink faces, straw hair, with various ice blue markings on their temples. No two were the same. They were all being taken down the grassy area to the ships.

Image from

I woke up.

As I tried to send this to you all today, my emails were both logged out. It took a bit to log in. That never happens!!

Just now, I had a few pop ups in this email screen. That has never happened before.

Oh how fun!