
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

US Army UFO Contactee JP tells of his early encounters with UFOs


Screen capture from JPs video

US Army UFO Contactee JP tells of his early encounters with UFOs and orbs. I love JPs energy, he's perfect for these kind of missions. It's all about frequency. I am not surprised he got a long well with the Maya. 

Quetzacoatl, the red headed guardian of the Maya, sent me images of the Maya in 2016 doing a welcome dance and it's really something to behold.  Quetzalcoatl took the original Maya to Mexico from Atlantis I long oar boats when there were signs of trouble coming for Atlantis.  They resettled in Mexico.  After Atlantis 2 sunk, there was no resistance left to counter the Draco.   Quetzalcoatl took the full blooded Maya off world for safety.   They are a kind and gentle people.