
Monday, October 21, 2024

October 13, 2024 Fireball


Terran: Thor, what crashed in the area surrounding DC the night of October 13?


Sunday, October 20, 2024

Aliens and other bears in the woods

I'm noticing some odd behavior  from certain quarters of the Internet.  

Channelers, I don't watch many, just Bashar, Abraham Hicks, and Kryon.  Most channelers offer bogus information. A few stand apart. 

Bashar of the Essessani  is  channeled by Daryl Anka, is suddenly weighing in on a presidential election (he's definitely not Q'ed in).  Going as far as imply if Trump is elected, WWIII begins.  I kind of think the current administration is doing its very best to do just that.  Bashar has transmitted some very useful information of the years... but this is a bit odd.  Perhaps it's just Daryl's particular bias?  Bashar really wants a slow disclosure of ETs.  I think most of us are pretty tired of things keeping to the glacier speed limit. 

Kryon no longer feels the same to me.  It really feels to me that Lee Carroll has either lost the channel, or is just winging his way through events with old material?  Perhaps it just doesn't resonate anymore?   Maybe that's just me?

Courney Brown of Farsight Remote Viewing, just posted a video of him talking to his invisible friend Harvey.  Harvey is all fired up about Bashar wanting slow disclosure.  "You guys are living in a prison!" Yet Harvey in a prior video wanted to make the Farsighted folks a nexus of all knowledge ET or spritiaul, in a prior video.  One Vatican is quite enough. And if I am not mistaken I seem to recall Courtney saying Harvey was Essessani?  (someone correct me if I'm am wrong on that).   That would make Harvey the same race as Bashar wouldn't it?

There is an obscure video on TikTok of Bashar revealing more than he was supposed to, and some AI steps into the transmission and says "This terminal is being shut down."   Which is about the creepiest thing I've heard out of Bashar.  And you thought being shadow banned on the old Twitter was bad!  I felt such sadness of him living with that kind of control on his words. 

Clif High has stirred up multiple hornet nests with his work.  I've watched Clif on the Internet since the early 2000s, back when he did a lot of work with George Ure.   

I love Clif's linguistic work with computers and languages.  I once worked for a company reverse engineering a mainframe rule based language translation system so that it could be ported to the C language (from IBM assembler).  It was originally written by an obscure Hungarian for the CIA so they could translate stole Russian military manuals.  It was successfully ported to UNIX in the early 1990s.  Google licensed the ported code and language word pair dictionaries for a while branding it as Google Translate, until the time they wrote their own with machine learning algorithms (Neural nets) in 2009.  So while not a linguist myself and barely fluent in French at the time, I really enjoyed working with linguists as they have really fascinating minds.  I knew assembly language well and was at the top of my skill set in that moment. 

I don't agree with every view point of Clif High.  But in general,  as Clif points out, Abrahamic religions were molded by ETs.  I have tried multiple times to get information about the Elohim from my contacts but that subject seems to be off limits.  I was told by GW Hardin once told me they were a very high frequency group of Pleiadians that go yanked off this planet for creating the religions we have today.  ,I no longer believe that to be completely true.  I think it's more likely they were from many star races, and in particular the Anunnaki.  Hence all the infighting between the Elohim. Clif doesn't specify which ones, and Clif takes his linguistic web bot riding lawnmower deep into the weeds, and calls it all crabgrass.  He claims aliens put their finger through people's heads, and he uses aliens very specifically, because he is a linguist and knows dang well what that image creates in peoples heads, when he could say extra-terrestials, or just nonlocals.  

Clif is very fond of citing Aikido aphorisms and proverbs.  He doesn't tell you Aikido was a marshal art Samaruai used when their sword wasn't at hand or they had multiple attackers to deal with. It was never intended to replace the sword.  Someone recently kicked his Akido ass and he's still feeling it. Mind you Clif could kick my ass.  But then so could Heather.  I've seen her lift a 250lb rock in Morocco!  But she would surely kick my ass with the greatest of love.  Such are the muscle fibers you get when your paternal ancestor was Paul Bunyan. My ancestors were scrawny Scotsmen and Welsh.  I have other attributes, not lessor nor greater just different. 

I keep getting the sense that Clif has a very direct line to the military.  It's becoming more apparent over time. He will reveal that eventually I am sure.  I think Clif will eventually hone into the target he seeks, but it may not be exactly as he thinks it is.

Everyone's favorite Taggetan, Mari Swa, the purported queen, has been directly implying the "galactic federation" is going easy on Orion's transiting to and from this planet, while being very strict with races friendly to humans, like hers.  

So what this confusing set of data tells me, is Earth has a lot more ETs involved in the status quo than is openly admitted, that they want to keep everyone in a state of confusion, and that its all probably coming to a head in the next six weeks, exactly as Clif predicted, but it remains to be seen if it happens in the way he predicts. 

Remember my friends, the only good source of information is in your heart all-ready.  It's fun to read or watch other sources of information, if nothing else to observe what kind of reality periscope they are using and what direction they are pointing it.  

I leave you with one final thought regarding Clif's discourses about karma, karma is intrinsically related to time, if it's all NOW, and everything is happening at once, how the hell can there be karma?   Time is so interwoven in language on Earth we often don't recognize it.  

PS: excuse any typos, I lost my reading glasses, will try to find some today and clean up the errors tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Rogan & Trump, Remote Viewer Dick Algire interviews Clif High

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 10, 2024 - Northern Lights

October 11,2024


Denice Photographed this last night, To many of us it looks like three beings outlines are faintly seen.

UPDATE: Margaret did some Adobe Photoshop Express enhancements

Margaret: Going to try to describe without marks. This is HDR 13. To the right of bottom left energy, I see a white head. A little down from that, there is a feinter light. It might be a hand with energy going up from that. The other arm and hand (our left) is straight. It looks to me like the being has on long robes and is standing on solid ground in their plasma field. I actually see so, so much going on in this photo, Denice! Other energies, etc. it's really cool.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Update 1: Where there's will, there's a way (Hurricane Helene Relief)