
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Located a human form of mine in stasis

Terran note:
This came in as a flood of images.  The form in a stasis chamber looks like Nabrac, I don't know if it was the physical form for him (he doesn't currently have a physical human form).   I have used the look of that form many, many, times over the eons. 

Terran: Dear Stan X, I just got a visual of a stasis form of mine being found in this solar system in the last 5 days. Looks similar to Nabrac. Do you have any data on this?

Terran: The container was found inside a location with dark clay or dirt. Pottery clay? Live soil? I don’t know. The pod is innocuous not impressive similar construction to modern shipping containers but human sized. Location possibly Ganymede or Europa.

Terran: The form is still in stasis and not active


Terran: This time stuff sometimes gives me a headache

Denice: 🤣

Thursday, February 13, 2025

USAID paid Reuters News to deceive Americans


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Did JFK get killed for wanting to legalize hemp?


Met someone yesterday who said his dad has complete prior-life memories of being JFK. He said his dad was born 1 month after the shooting and to the very minute of the shot in Dallas. Having total recall of a prior life while being human on Earth is rare, but this man remembers everything according to his son. He remembered his tryst with Marilyn Monroe, his own battle with back pain. Then he said something that truly surprised me. "My dad says JFK got shot because he wanted to decriminalize hemp." He said JFK wanted everyone to have access to CBD and THC for its therapeutic effects to ease pain and promote healing. Now that's a conspiracy theory I have NOT heard before. The son said the Federal Reserve, JFK's desire to abolish the CIA, also played a role, but according this young man it was hemp that did him in. So are we going to learn that Big Pharma was behind the JFK shooting? Before COVID that would seem absurd, but now, based on the CIA involvement with Fauci, maybe it's not so far fetched???

PS: And oh guess what else happened? A cigar ship shined a light on the car while I was driving. The young man was so excited at seeing it! I couldn't look for it because it was rainy and foggy and I promised his grandfather I'd get him home safely. His grandfather canceled 5 rides until he saw my profile and decided I was the one to drive his grandson.  

The Grandfather looked like the professor from back to the future. Wore a synthetic fur jacket that I haven't seen since the 1970s. The grandson said "I hate to say this but grandpa did a huge amount of drugs in the 1970s". I said "I gathered that much from seeing him!" The grandfather had so much love from the grandson it felt an honor to drive him home.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

How to relax your Vagus nerve

The Vagus nerve is one of the largest in the human body.  It runs the length of the human torso and affects many internal organs.  The vagus is said to strongly affected by the energies coming in at this time so I thought I'd share this quick little video.  

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A message from your future self


Heather forwarded this to Denice and me.  I just happened to be watching Groundhog Day.  Quite the timing!   It applies to everyone!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Anunnaki and Atlantis Time Sequence?

Dear Stan, in relationship to Atlantis 2, were the Anunnaki concurrent with Atlantis 2 or subsequent to its sinking? Is it known (in rough estimate) their approximate linear time as we’d think of it when they came to Mesopotamia?


Terran note:  Linear time as we know it, came into existence shortly before the Jesus timeline.  Our time is a human thought form construct applicable only to Earth and its matrix. 

Donations for February - slight update


Hi everyone!

I would like to raise $800 or better by the first part of February. 

My health is much better, three healers I that know have been doing coordinated remote healing work on me in the last week.  I am in deep gratitude for their kindness!  I haven't asked if I could use their names so I will just keep them anonymous for now.  Last week I noticed a palpable improvement to my heart, and the oxygen stats show it. It feels more relaxed.  I had a moment when I woke up last week that felt like I felt when I was a little boy eager for the new day to play.  I hadn't felt that emotion in years.  The feeling internally was similar to how a thin metal or plastic feels when there's a dent and you push on it and it returns to intended position.  Not dissimilar to how a good chiropractor can make your back feel.  There have been many other positive changes in my body too.   I have had days that were wonderful and days that I had to nap, which I call healing event days as the body recoups and recovers.  Not every ache is a bad sign nor is being tired.  Sometimes the body is detoxing or rebuilding.   As I was reminded,  BELIEVE, KNOW, EXPERIENCE.   

I am one that grew up believing in "divine healing" as we used to call it, I was healed of asthma when I was 9 and I had a severe case.  We all have the ability to heal, and all healing is actually us doing it, but we get a condition where we have very little energy to do so given all we have to deal with.   We are all Source, and some have an incredible ability to send healing remotely to humans or even animals. 

I am going to see if I can move into an occupation that doesn't expose me to the public as much as the one I have does.  I have found what I think would be a good niche to look into after talking to many tech workers but that's still in coming months and all that depending on how things flow.  Elon Musk has also announced he's going to pilot test his new Tesla self driving Taxis in Austin this summer.  So that's another sign to look to bigger things.  Things are changing in gig work, and I have find something new.  I have liked this kind of work because it gave great freedom as to the hours I worked and when I worked.

What I'd really like to is to visit with Thor and the rest of the amigos, and maybe  make that my last set of blog posts as I see all kinds of roads leading from that moment.  I set the intent for that long ago, how it occurs I don't know but I do know these are old friends. 

Trump has really unleashed the whirlwind after inauguration.  For all the optics of it, what is clear is he preparing the US for an impending national bankruptcy.  If you don't know, the in 1871, President USS Grant put the nation in receivership with the bankers, after all the debt incurred from the civil war.   A natural constitution was replaced secretly with a cellophane wrapper of a corporation constitution and we've been run behind the scenes by bankers since then.  This was the precursor event to the Federal Reserve Bank being formed, which is neither Federal nor a reserve. 

I love you all!  
