March 3, 2025
Communication is key to the healthy functioning of complex systems. There are many forms of communication, verbal, tonal (music and word emotion), chemical communication such as hormones, ion exchange of nerve fibers, and pheromones being a short list of common ones.
Much has been made of AI recently as it’s a powerful technology, but it’s actually an analog computing model emulated in a digital environment. Analog computers existed before ENIAC and subsequent digital computers which IBM dominated for decades, then Intel and recently Apple. Analog computers were crude AI, but worked great for solving process problems like refining oil or chemical engineering. Early echo cancelation on ATT long distance telephone lines used a one neuron AI.
Analog computers fell out of favor until neuro research matured and researchers began to figure out the mechanics of a brain and how it worked and it was mostly about a vast interconnected network of connections to other nerve cells. The magic sauce was the connection and how the brain cell weighted the connections from other nerves. Early neural nets were circuit boards with op amps. These were arranged in layers from back to front and interconnected. One early researcher created a circuit to recognize text (OCR) and it was good at it. Further experiments created a circuit that could disambiguate words that were similar in sound or spelling. Then one day a researcher decided to see what happened if he took some wire clippers and cut some of the wires. What he got was a model of dyslexia.
Modern AI use different functions for different AI functionality, this and the weighting of the inputs is what they mean when they say “algorithms” but it’s not like a digital computer software, you can’t go to a single location for a single piece of data. It’s spread over the entire network kind of like a hologram. They’re not easy to debug. It’s usually retrained on new inputs.
I lived in England from 1988-1990. I was watching a TV discussion about the bureaucratic abuse of security classifications to hide mistake. One of the panelists made the comment “Our enemies already know our secrets, the classification is done so the citizens don’t know.” That always stuck with me, and D.O.G.E. has certainly proved the truth of that in recent weeks with the US Government. Much corruption,fraud and fuckery has been hidden under classification and bureaucratic obfuscation. And nothing works as it should.
When a persons brain is compartmentalized, we call that a dissociated personality. Corporations and governments are just collections of people. They can become disassociated too.
People are meant to communicate across all notions of synthetic persona (corporations). It makes it hard to hide fraud and crime in general. Decades ago department heads had secretaries and women are natural communicators. Now we have email and word processing software. AI has the potential to make it worse. Our corporations are more unethical than ever. Human onnections were cut.
Security classifications do much the same. After Roswell (perhaps before - my father was a P38 pilot and witnessed UFOs over Germany) the military realized they had an issue for which they had no easy answer and no nuke was going to fix it. Hostile ETs (and friendly ones) were a fact. So they did the only thing they could given the choices the President made. They created deep dark well of black projects in the hope they would learn more and have some sort of way to deal with it all later. And now those 60+ years of secrecy evolved into two branches, mainstream military physics. And it’s been hugely expensive in money and lives. They are at a quandary just telling what they really know.
Tech not released is such a huge colloidal waste of money.
Elon Musk purports disbelief in ETs being present now. But I suspect he’s in an awkward spot in that his security oaths pretty much require him to deny such knowledge. Or maybe he really is outside the loop. But a zero point energy device would sure be a great feature for a Tesla!
We don’t have healthy people, families, relationships, corporations or government and that has to change.
I’m not a California Liberal but I don’t hate them either. We all want a life that’s not sucking us dry of money, privacy or freedom. We need to focus on the commonality, at least with those open reason and who have open hearts.