
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Some after thoughts....


My last post was the most commented on post I have done in a while.  Some thanked me profusely, some cried when a cathartic release occurred in them.  Others couldn't not finish the article because they are in the midst of their own tough moments.  It was just too much, and they never got to the end, which was the whole point of the article. 

Whatever response you had, I did not mean to introduce more stress into your life, but I am not going to pull the article either.  I have, in the history of my blog pulled articles that I regretted writing.  Usually I did this quietly.  Sometimes I was just embarrassed.  

To be honest my article just bubbled up in these energies and it was a venting of a sort for me.  I had to write what I felt, whether it came from deep inside me or what I was feeling in the collective of Earth humanity.  I am not certain myself which it was, perhaps a bit of both. 

The intended audience was nonlocal. Based on some patterns I am noticing in people they are utilizing as news outlets.   

Love you ALL! 
