Tuesday, January 29, 2019
GAIA PORTAL: Flashes of Light cannons are viewed with gratitude
Flashes of Light cannons are viewed with gratitude
by ÉirePort
Flashes of Light cannons are viewed with gratitude.
Portions of mesmer are refused.
Philanthropics are engaged for hu-manity.
Stardust engaged.
ÉirePort | January 29, 2019 at 11:11 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p2sFUY-G8
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Trump Short Term Bill to End Shutdown,
HATJ Comments
Message to "Gentry Smith"
Subject RE: 3 week extension
Date: Jan 26, 2019 at 9:07 PM
last night/this morning..."dropped in" to upgrade/activate tech to i-tech for a big showdown "someone else" planned/prepped/created...in/re "asia"...upgrade/activation was to end it before it began...got up went to the bathroom shaking my head at the ridiculousness that is playing out, albeit in dwindling dribbles, lol.
p.s.:..."Gentry Smith"...hugs and loves from HOS...you know "where" to find me ;)
hugs, love, and espresso!!!!! ❤️
-----Terran on 1/26/2019 2:21 AM wrote:
Trump restoring govt for 3 weeks... until the Lantern Festival (15th) which is the end of Chinese New Year celebrations... Feb 5-15.
Trump Signs Short-Term Bill To End Government Shutdown, But Border Fight Still Looms
Jessica Taylor January 25, 2019
Updated at 9:45 p.m. ET
The longest government shutdown in history ended after President Trump signed a bipartisan three-week stopgap funding measure late Friday.
Several agencies had been partially shuttered for 35 days.
"I am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government," Trump said earlier Friday in the White House Rose Garden, announcing the long-awaited bipartisan breakthrough.
By Friday evening, the House and Senate had unanimously passed the bill to fund the government through Feb. 15.
Lawmakers also authorized moving forward on a longer-term Department of Homeland Security funding bill for the rest of the fiscal year, where border security funds can be negotiated on a bipartisan basis.
The question remains, however, what exactly Trump accomplished with his firm stance against any deal without funding for a border wall, which he eventually capitulated to.
The stopgap measure does not include funding for the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border that Trump has pushed for. The Homeland Security bill does not include money earmarked for a wall, either, but a bipartisan group of lawmakers will hammer out the details over the next few weeks.
Ultimately, as the president's approval ratings tumbled and polls showed the public largely blamed Republicans for the increasingly dire situation punctuated on Friday by massive delays at major airports and recent warnings about a threat to national security Trump finally seemed to back down from his demands. At least for now.
Another shutdown looming in three weeks?
Trump seemed to revive earlier deal-breakers as he ended his speech, warning that if negotiations over the next three weeks don't result in funding for the "powerful wall or steel barrier" he has demanded, "the government would either shut down again" or he would declare a national emergency to build the wall.
"I have a very powerful alternative, but I didn't want to use it at this time. Hopefully it will be unnecessary," Trump teased at the beginning of his remarks about the extreme measures which would very likely face legal challenges in court.
"We do not need 2,000 miles of concrete wall from sea to shiny sea," the president added, showing an openness to some technology efforts that some Democrats have signaled they could back. Still, he reiterated proposals to build barriers in specific areas identified by the Border Patrol, strengthen security at legal ports of entry and provide humanitarian assistance to those who have crossed the border.
"Walls or barriers or whatever you want to call it will be an important part of the solution," said Trump, who has regularly contradicted himself on how he describes the promised wall.
Trump insisted later Friday evening on Twitter that the deal "was in no way a concession."
Democrats take a victory lap
Trump and Republicans had long maintained any deal to end the shutdown must include funding for the border wall the president wants, which was his key promise during the 2016 campaign. But Democrats said they should reopen the government and then resume talks, which is exactly what Friday's deal does.
Democratic leaders argued their conference's unity is what eventually caused Trump to cave.
"The American people do not like it when you throw a wrench into the lives of government workers over an unrelated political dispute," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters. "Hopefully now the president has learned his lesson."
The first signs of a crack in Trump's resolve came earlier this week. After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said he could not give the State of the Union address until after the shutdown, Trump threatened to hold the annual speech someplace else. But he backed down hours later and said he would defer to Pelosi.
It's unclear when the State of the Union, which had been slated for next Tuesday, will happen following Friday's deal to end the shutdown. Pelosi told reporters that it is "not planned now" and that she had told Trump "when the government is opened we will discuss a mutually agreeable date."
Pelosi, a veteran appropriator, said she was hopeful the three-week talks would produce a deal on border security, though she didn't answer a question about whether that may include any funding for even portions of a wall. She has repeatedly said she is opposed to a wall and has called it "immoral."
"I see every challenge or every crisis as an opportunity," Pelosi said.
Speaking on the Senate floor shortly after Trump endorsed the deal, McConnell said he too was optimistic, but with some caveats..
"Going forward, I hope Democrats will stay true to the commitment they have stated constantly over the past weeks that once government was reopened, they would be perfectly willing to negotiate in good faith on full-year government funding that would include a significant investment in urgently needed border security measures, including physical barriers," McConnell said.
Consequences of the prolonged shutdown
Federal employees who have been working without pay or are furloughed would also get back pay as part of the agreement, though it's unclear how long that might take.
The American Federation of Government Employees says workers could get back pay as soon as next Thursday, but the union says it is also possible they won't get paid until their next scheduled pay date during the week of Feb. 4.
A senior administration official says "the administration is taking steps to ensure that they receive pay as soon as possible."
Federal contractors also impacted by the shutdown would not get any back pay.
The breakthrough comes as federal workers missed their second paycheck in a row, now going without their salaries for more than a month. Trump thanked those workers, calling them "patriots" and said they have "suffered" far greater than anyone but they and their families can understand.
The prolonged stalemate pushed the nation's security and infrastructure to the brink, with significant flight delays at major airports due to Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration absences escalating on Friday. The FBI also warned that critical crime-fighting measures have been curtailed with its agents limited and working without pay.
How it began
The shutdown began on Dec. 22, when Republicans still had control of a lame-duck Congress following their loss of 40 seats in the House in November 2018.
After two years of unified control, the GOP president was unable to push through Trump's signature campaign promise which he repeatedly said during the 2016 campaign that Mexico would pay for and there seemed to be an urgency to his last push.
Egged on by conservative media and pundits, Trump drew a line until he didn't.
Schumer said the lesson Trump should take away from the quagmire is that Pelosi, who reclaimed the speaker's gavel at the beginning of January, should not be taken lightly.
"No one should ever underestimate the speaker, as Donald Trump has learned," Schumer said.
NPR congressional correspondents Susan Davis and Kelsey Snell and NPR national security correspondent Greg Myre contributed to this report.
UFO Type Trends Over Time
In the last 20 years, reports of Light Ships have spiked over all other kinds of UFO sightings. #GalacticFederationofLight #GFL pic.twitter.com/dqkcMuHOpB— Kabamur (@kabamur_taygeta) January 27, 2019
Friday, January 25, 2019
Updated: Zerohedge: China Quietly Announces Quasi QE To "Keep Ponzi Scheme Afloat"
RE: China's ponzi scheme
Date: Jan 25, 2019 at 5:50 PM
yes...they are out of ALLLLLLLL value....and they all still have an astronomical bill that they cannot ever repay...not to mention all the other bills they have to pay :)
-----Terran 1/25/2019 12:36 PM wrote:
Bloomberg has a "paywall" article on the collapse of Singapore real estate...
....and then there's this from Zero Hedge... they be out of money!
China Quietly Announces Quasi QE To "Keep Ponzi Scheme Afloat"
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/25/2019 - 11:37
On Thursday, to little fanfare, China's central bank announced its latest liquidity injection scheme, which many analysts saw as a quasi Quantitative Easing program and a potential precursor to full-blown QE.
Just like QE in the US, where financial system liquidity was boosted by the Fed injecting reserves into banks in exchange for sales of Treasurys and MBS, which fungible liquidity was then used for a variety of purposes including directly investing in risk assets as the JPM London Whale fiasco demonstrated, the PBOC announced that it will allow China's primary dealers to swap their holdings of perpetual bonds for central bank bills, and directly use those bonds as collateral to access certain PBOC liquidity operations.
By directly intermediating in the market, and effectively backstopping securities issued by local banks, this measure will increase the appeal of perpetual bonds to be issued by banks making them riskless for all intents and purposes, which can then be used to bolster capital cushions and thereby help relax a key current constraint on credit supply.
In other words, the PBOC just unveiled a roundabout way of injecting even more "risk-free" liquidity directly into the system, or as Rabobank's Michael Every (more below) writes "Chinese banks, desperate for cash to keep the Ponzi scheme afloat, can issue perpetuals that nobody in their right mind would want to hold; and the PBOC will swap them for its bills."
* * *
First, some background: In December, China's financial authorities permitted banks to issue perpetual bonds as a way to bolster their capital base, and on Thursday Bank of China, the country's fourth largest lender, launched the first ever batch of perpetual bonds - which are the functional equivalent of preferred equity as they never have to be repaid - issued by Chinese banks, with an officially approved quota at 40 billion yuan and yielding 4.5%. These bonds count toward banks' (non-core) tier 1 capital, thereby boosting the bank's capital cushion and allowing the bank to issue more loans into China's increasingly cash-starved system.
Why did Beijing take this aggressive step? Because as Goldman explains, banks' increased consideration of their capital cushion had weighed on monetary policy transmission and loan extension. So, by adding to the banking system's capital buffer, the issuance of perpetual bonds should in turn help ease a main current constraint on credit supply.
But that wasn't enough, and just to make sure there is sufficient demand for "perpetual bonds" issued by banks, the PBOC launched the Central Bank Bill Swap (CBS), which just like QE, is an asset swap where the central bank injects high powered liquidity to backstop bank balance sheets, enabling them to pursue riskier credit transformation operations, in this particular case, issue more loans with the intention of reflating the system.
Below we summarize some of the key features of these Bill Swaps:
- The new tool works by giving primary dealers bills that can be used as high-quality collateral in exchange for perpetual bonds purchased from banks
- China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission will also allow Chinese insurance firms to invest in banks’ tier 2 capital debt and capital bonds without fixed terms
- Capital charges will be applied on perpetual bond holdings on Chinese banks’ balance sheet, even after they swap the securities for central bank bills using a new PBOC tool.
Regarding the PBOC's measures, the duration of the central bank bill swap was initially set at three years. While the swapped central bank bills cannot be directly converted into cash, and can only be used as collateral for borrowing from the PBOC (e.g., via OMOs) or other financial institutions, once said repo operation takes place, the proceeds from the CBS are effectively the equivalent of cash as banks face no further limitations on what to do with the funds received from the perpetual bonds issuance. There are some modest limitations on eligible collateral: the perpetual bonds that qualify for CBS need to be issued by banks that meet some minimum prudential requirements (such as CAR not lower than 8%) but generally this operation is meant to be inclusive and allow as many banks as possible to participate. As Goldman notes, more implementation details such as the risk weight of this new tool are still not released yet.
And just to make sure enough liquidity reaches the banks, the PBOC will also allow perpetual bonds that are rated AA or above to be used as collateral for MLF, TMLF, SLF, and relending monetary operations, i.e., once the bank issues the PBOC-backstopped perpetuals - which makes them the risk-equivalent of cash for downstream investors thanks to their central bank backstop - it can use the proceeds for pretty much anything.
Of course, this is not full-blown QE because the announced move are not monetary measures per se, in that they do not involve creation of money; they do however involve the central bank backstopping a bond-like instrument, which then has all the functional equivalents of money. Meanwhile, as Goldman also notes, the CBS "does not mean that the PBOC is indirectly providing capital to banks, as the CBS is of limited duration", which while true, does provide banks with virtually risk-free capital for a period of three years, so the "limited duration" argument in a world where investors only care about day to day liquidity is somewhat naive.
* * *
Naturally, with China launching such a "novel" mechanism to boost liquidity in the system, there were quite a few analyst reactions, and courtesy of Bloomberg, we present some of these:
Ming Ming, head of fixed income research at CITIC Securities
- The new policies addressed two issues that had been major obstacles for the development of banks’ perpetual bonds: the poor liquidity of perpetual bonds and the need to include insurance firms, who are key investors for long-term bonds, as eligible perp buyers
- There could be three possible ways to boost bank perps liquidity:
- Investors who buy bank perps can sell the securities to primary dealers, who are able to swap the perps into central bank bills
- Primary dealers could use central bank bills as collateral for repurchase transactions with other institutions
- Primary dealers can borrow from PBOC against perpetual bonds or central bank bills
Li Qilin, chief economist at Lianxun Securities
- The introduction of Central Bank Bill Swap brings PBOC into the market as a buyer, boosting liquidity of perpetual bonds
- The ultimate goal of such a new tool is to expand credit supply. Perpetual bonds can replenish banks’ capital, therefore helping expand their loan books
- There are about 65 banks whose perpetual bonds can be eligible for central bank bill swap. The total loan size of the 65 banks makes up over 65% of that of all financial institutions
Ji Linghao, analyst at Huachuang Securities
- It makes primary dealers more willing to buy perpetual bonds and ensures successful issuance of such debt
- Allowing insurance firms to buy perpetual bonds helps diversify the investor base for such securities, making it easier to sell those notes
- Allowing primary dealers to swap perpetual bonds into central bank bills effectively means that PBOC throws itself behind such securities, easing market concern over risks of perpetual bond
- The new Central Bank Bill Swap may make itself both a market player and a regulator, potentially leading to conflict of interests
- It may be better for the PBOC to "play just a facilitating role together with other market players"
PBOC may have been "over reaching" in the market, and such interventions could make China’s monetary policy implementation extremely complex, monetary policy less transparent and policy transmission less effective
But the best, if also most cynical recap, of what quietly took place in China, comes from Rabobank's Michael Every, which we present below:
China just announced "US banks can start operating there in six months." I am sure useful-idiot headline-followers will say China is opening up. They probably won’t notice the PBOC also announced a Central Bank Bills Swap that will give primary dealers bills they can use as collateral in exchange for a flood of new perpetual bonds that Chinese banks are about to issue, following the lead of the Bank of China (which is offering CN Yuan 40 bn at around 4.5% for people who never want to get their money back).
In other words, Chinese banks, desperate for cash to keep the Ponzi scheme afloat, can issue perpetuals that nobody in their right mind would want to hold; and the PBOC will swap them for its bills. Add that to MLF operations already underway and chatter of outright QE and one finds it hard to see where the real business model for Wall Street is in China, or to argue the part of Soros’ speech where he underlines how fragile China really is (which is why it needs that Wall Street cash-flow).
And, as Every hints, should the Bill Swap fail to boost credit creation and/or sentiment sufficiently, there is always good, old "outright QE" to fall back on...
Mortgage Lending Plunges
RE: Mortgage lending plunges
Date: Jan 25, 2019 at 1:37 PM
All have moved all of existence, to completely shift from..."It is what it is. It's complicated." ~ DJT...
"It is what it is. It's simple." ~ All
----Terran on 1/25/2019 10:21 AM wrote:
Curious this has a dual byline of China Daily/Reuters ....
Americans stopped buying homes in 2018, mortgage lenders are getting crushed, and an economic storm could be brewing
Alex Morrell Jan 25, 2019 | 8:30 AM ET
It's too soon to panic, but a deeper drought in housing is bad news for just about everybody.
China Daily/Reuters
The US housing market took a dark turn in 2018, as homebuying fell off a cliff and mortgage lenders saw a steep decline in applications, originations, and profits.
Interest rates are partly to blame for the slide in housing, but that's only half of the equation, according to analysts.
It's too soon to panic, but a deeper drought in housing is bad news for just about everybody, not just the banks.
Significant housing declines have foreshadowed nine of the 11 post-war US recessions, according to UBS
As 2018 headed toward its close, Americans' appetites for buying homes fell off a cliff.
In December, the rate of existing US home sales cratered to 4.99 million, 10.3% below the mark from the year-ago period, according to data released earlier this week by the National Association of Realtors.
That's the steepest decline in more than seven years, and it followed year-over-year declines of 7.8% in November and 5.1% in October.
Home sales dropped in every month in 2018 except February, but the trend grew more aggressive in the final quarter of the year.
The decline has been broad, affecting every region in the US. Even home sales in the the posh Hamptons got battered in 2018.
Banks with large mortgage-lending businesses felt the homebuying malaise take a bite out of their bottom lines last week during fourth-quarter earnings results.
At two of the largest bank mortgage originators and servicers in the US, the numbers were more pronounced.
At Wells Fargo, mortgage banking revenues fell 50% to $467 million in the fourth quarter, while originations declined 28% to $38 billion.
JPMorgan, meanwhile, saw mortgage income fall to $203 million, a 46% drop from the same period last year.
Originations fell 30% to $17.2 billion.
These ugly housing numbers have raised red flags for Wall Street investors and analysts, who are concerned that "the deterioration in housing and its intensification since mid year raise the possibility of underlying weakness in the household sector," according to a note issued this week by UBS economists.
It's too soon to head to the panic room, as this trend could prove a small bump that smooths over throughout 2019, but a deeper drought in housing is dark news for just about everybody, not just the banks.
Significant housing declines have foreshadowed nine of the 11 post-war US recessions, according to another note by UBS from December examining the housing slowdown.
"The housing market usually does not slowdown in a vacuum and a falling housing market may well be the first indication of broader economic weakness," the bank's analysts wrote.
What's to blame?
The US economy has been exceptionally strong the past year - we've had wage growth, low unemployment, and low delinquency rates, among other positive drivers that should auger well for real-estate investing, UBS notes.
So what happened to the housing market? The most glaring explanation is that mortgage rates increased, convincing prospective homebuyers the market had become unfavorably expensive.
The Federal Reserve hiked its benchmark interest rate four times in 2018; the rate on a 30-year mortgage hit 4.94% in November - the highest mark since 2011 - before falling down to 4.45% by year's end.
That November figure may not seem a gigantic increase from the average rate of 3.65% just two years ago, but for a $250,000 home, the difference in the monthly payment is $190 and the lifetime cost is greater by nearly $70,000..
But interest rates don't tell the full story - UBS analysts estimate rates account for roughly half of the slow down.
Home prices have also been ascending for years. The median existing-home price in December was $253,600, a 2.9% increase from 2017 and the 82nd straight month of year-over-year gains, according to NAR.
"We saw a cooldown because buyers couldn't afford these homes anymore," Daryl Fairweather, chief economist at real-estate brokerage Redfin, told Business Insider.
Cash-strapped and saddled with student loans and other debts, millennials - a generation of more than 70 million in their 20s and mid-30s - have delayed buying a home later than their parents, but their participation is crucial to buoying home sales.
They may be balking at the higher monthly payments commanded for increasingly pricier homes and deciding they're better off renting.
"They need to be in the housing market to keep things going, but they face real affordability challenges," said Jody Shenn, a VP in structured finance at Moody's. "Just being able to get a house they can afford on a monthly basis with a mortgage is on the challenging side at this point."
But the debt-burdened millennial didn't materialize in 2018. That long-standing trend is likely contributing to the overall slowdown, though it doesn't necessarily explain the precipitous drop in fourth-quarter home sales.
Other factors that may have had an impact but are harder to pin down: rising construction costs, a reduction in the mortgage deduction in the new tax law, tightening credit standards by some lenders, and less flexibility in underwriting.
If profits are down, why are lenders rejecting more mortgage applications?
Curiously, despite less homebuying demand and falling revenues, the rate of mortgage and refinancing application rejections also shot up in the second half of the year, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
In its "Credit Access Survey" - a quarterly report on US borrowers - the Fed found in October that even as mortgage applications among those surveyed fell from 9.2% to 6.7% over the previous year, the portion of respondents who experienced a mortgage application rejection increased from 15.6% to 19%, the highest mark in the survey since February 2015.
Why would lenders, already facing headwinds in their mortgage businesses, start denying more applications?
Two Moody's analysts Business Insider spoke with said they hadn't noticed tightening lending standards for residential mortgages. Home-lending standards have actually been loosening of late, they said.
Charge-offs have been on the downswing, though, suggesting lenders have been doling credit out responsibly in recent years.
"The squeeze on mortgage originators is encouraging them to move down the credit spectrum, but it's a slow, measured shift," Warren Kornfeld, a senior vice president covering financial institutions at Moody's, told Business Insider.
But it could still be the case that lenders experienced an influx of applications from borrowers they deemed too risky to lend to. The Fed has telegraphed its rate hikes, so savvier and more credit-worthy borrowers may have taken action early on to get a cheaper mortgage rate.
Borrowers applying at the peak were "probably more desperate," according to Fairweather, and banks don't typically like to lend to people in desperate situations who have a higher chance of defaulting on their loan.
"My interpretation of this is that there was a decrease in the quality of applicants at this time," Fairweather said.
Overall lending standards may not be any stricter, Shenn added, but "it could be the mix of who's coming in the door has changed."
Riskier borrowers may have grown more interested in buying a home, but in general the number of consumers who think it's a good time to buy has been declining since 2014, according to surveys from the University of Michigan and Fannie Mae.
The number of consumers who believe it's a favorable time to buy a home has fallen below the number who think it's a good time to sell a loan - a foreboding signal.
As UBS points out, that's only happened twice in the 26 years those survey questions have been asked - and those instances preceded our two most recent recessions.
There's no quick fix for consumers feeling stretched too thin to buy a home, according to Kornfeld and Shenn at Moody's.. Costs and rates have to fall, or wages need to increase, or some combination thereof.
Mortgage lenders face a bleak horizon this year. Their profit outlook fell for the ninth straight quarter and reached an all-time low to close out 2018, according to Fannie Mae's Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey.
But a housing collapse is by no means imminent, especially in light of the strong economic fundamentals at play right now.
Consumer spending hasn't flatlined elsewhere, and as previously mentioned, unemployment and wage growth are trending in the right direction.
Fairweather anticipates another strong year for the economy in 2019, and she's optimistic that buyers will have an easier time and more leverage in negotiations this year.
Still, amid a steady housing decline and following the especially ugly numbers from the fourth quarter, analysts are on alert, and UBS says it will be tracking the trend closely this year.
"The incongruity of the spending on housing with the rest of the economy is a red flag," the bank's analysts wrote.
"Unwillingness to spend on large, long-lasting items like housing may signal susceptibility of consumer confidence and spending to adverse shocks."
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Messages from 3 Galactic Commands,
Andromeda Command, Ashtar Command and Lyran Command
Terran: Wonderful! Our hearts are open day or night! Terran.
Terran: Felt that! [sense of awe and huge scale] now to see it...
Terran: (image of the 5 km X 8 km Horizon ship hovering vertically over Dublin California - the scale was breath taking! Also saw/felt tactile feel of the exterior, details I had not sensed before).
Terran: That’s gonna get some attention! Laughing my ass off! I’ve not felt an image like that before new ability active?
Terran: Felt awe!
Terran: Sense of proportion
Terran: (Wow I like this change in me!)
Terran: (That was fun!)
Terran: (It is as you sensed Denice)
Terran: I feel ya!
Terran: As it all flows! Forever grateful to ALL!
Denice: (not sure which part I sensed? location of horizon? lol)
Denice: (oooh, getting some interesting visuals. . .)
Terran: What visuals?
Denice: Very cool colors and swirls and mechanical looking things, like the inside of ships?
Denice: one more transmission?
Denice:from another friend?
Denice: (she actually tussled my hair before she sent that ) [Denice said it felt like AnDreas was physically behind her and touched her hair...]
Terran: ❤️
Terran: Hold a moment [morning expresso coffee pot was boiling over...]
Terran: Okay send when you are ready
Riggolt: TERRAN. SENDING NOW. IN GREAT JOY. IT IS SUBMERSIBLE. [a reference to his ship's nickname "The Yellow Submarine"] RIGGOLT.
Terran: (see scenes of his ship flying through the snow covered valleys of the Western Colorado Rockies)
Terran: How do you like the mountains? 😃
Terran: Ready all ways always! As it all flows young one! [Riggolt came into existence in December 2013]
Terran to Denice: Is Riggolt part of any specific "command" or is he a unique category?
Terran: (Is this really happening?) [we've been at this point 5-6 times before, with many unexpected galactic and earth issues and agendas to deal with. Things really took a different timeline in 2017, it feels like we are back on the track we were on in 2015]
Denice: (I don't know. . I feel something shifted... they feel it is happening. I almost felt Riggolt say, ready for lunch? like it is that close? but anything can happen, of course)
Terran: (I have this worry the taxi shows up and I’m not home lol... that sounds silly I know)
Denice: getting another ping for you. . .feels like it is coming through Jello (gelatine dessert)
Denice: if that makes sense... distorted, but I can feel it better than previous contact with this one
Denice: Lyarada/lyrada
Terran:You know what would be funny is to slap a Lyft or Uber decal on the Yellow Submarine! (rofl)
Denice: (nod) do it!
Denice: poor Riggolt!
Denice: I don’t think I’ve talked to Lyrada . [Lyrada has previously communicated with Margaret, which Margaret sometimes shares with a few of us. They are old friends. Margaret is a Pleiadian Starseed. Lyradia is a feline being from Lyra]
GAIA PORTAL: Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all
Terran Note: I really wasn't expecting a lot after the lunar eclipse. I mean really how many lunar eclipses and mass meditations have their been since 2012? But on Monday morning I was contacted by Thor (Andromedan Command), AnDreas (Ashtar Command), Riggolt of the "Yellow Submarine", and Lyrada of the "Lyran Command" (first time I've spoken to Lyrada although a friend of mine has had contacts for a good while as they are "old friends"). That's not happened in about 18 months!!
Granted I knew there was many operations going on since Heather's court case that could not be spoken of, so I was not getting a lot of communications from them and I knew why. But beginning about last Wednesday something big shifted with Thor's "DISSOLVED" message, and accelerated from there.
I am not sure which messages I will post if any from Monday, I really want to see this stuff happen so I am a little hesitant to let the cat out of the bag prematurely so to speak. I'll decide on that today. This Gaia Portal seems to confer that we're at both the end and beginning of something new.
Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all
by ÉirePort
Perturbations in the matrix are felt by all.
Planetary awakenings are near completion.
Fairy tales are abandoned.
Dark forests are cleared.
Nature Spirits rejoice.
ÉirePort | January 23, 2019 at 08:08 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p2sFUY-G7
Monday, January 21, 2019
"D I S S O L V E D"
Terran note: This is a composite of several conversations that came over the last 5-6 days. I wasn't sure where this was heading at first but the context seems to be the control systems are dissolving on this planet. I've not seen a word catch fire so fast since the "tsunami of love" a few years ago. It appears to be in everyone's consciousness or soon will be...
Terran: Hear anything from the amigos?
Denice: Nada. Go for Thor. Lol.
Terran: Hi Thor!
Thor: Bill. All is perfect. Adrian.
Thor: Off the record today? [Thor goes by his first name Adrian when speaking unofficially]
Thor: Bill. There are subtle nuances in the frequencies now. Do you feel these?
Terran: What I feel is one day I'm energetic and the next I sleep a lot.
Terran: For a few weeks I felt like I was being pulled through a strainer. And my sense of humor got left on the other side
Terran: But I feel more "normal" now
Thor: Weather and 'doppler' aside. The changes are very incremental. A.
Thor: Bill. The control is illusory and waning. All is prepared. We are prepared. We are ready. A.
Thor: D I S S O L V E D. In gratitude. A.
Thor: Yes. Seen. Felt. Experienced.
Thor: Dissolved. Feel me?
Terran: Yes
Thor: Dissolution. Now. A.
Terran: It's time.
Thor: Permanently. A.
Terran: How is Riggolt? Sherr An?
Thor: Bill. All here are well. A.
Thor: Bill. We meet when we meet. And it is perfectly aligned. Until then, brother. I am in grattitude. Adrian. Out.
Terran: Yes I've become resigned that the timing is not in my hands
Terran: It's about the ALL
Denice: 😃
Denice: Got a good feeling about this!!!
Denice: Fwd: D I S S O L V E D. In gratitude. A.
Denice I thought A said 'dissolved’ a few days ago?
Denice: Lol. Gaia portal. . .
1/20/19 (lunar eclipse)
Terran to Sophia Love: Saw the word DISSOLVED in your message tonight [Sophia's Subscription Newsletter] which is another confirmation for me... thought I’d share the following which I didn’t “get” at first even though I thought I did (sent a copy of the above)
Terran to Denice: Denice can you ask Stan X about this?
Regarding illusory control are there place holder “beings” in place for the “usual faces” until the stage set is struck?
Terran to Heather: Btw before I forget a message from Adrian: Fwd: D I S S O L V E D. In gratitude. A.
Denice: Wow!!!! DISSOLVED is the word of the day! Just spoke with [redacted]. He used it a few times ;)
Denice: This really could be it?????
Denice: No coincidences????
Terran: Yeah when it comes in like that there's a big reason!
Friday, January 18, 2019
GAIA PORTAL: Premonitions of darkness are illuminated, and dissolved
Premonitions of darkness are illuminated, and dissolved
by ÉirePort
Premonitions of darkness are illuminated, and dissolved.
Larks of Spirit collaborate in Love.
Exquisites are recognized.
Humility conspires.
Inner Truth is known.
ÉirePort | January 18, 2019 at 10:10 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p2sFUY-G6
Thursday, January 17, 2019
White Dragons, Red Dragons, Pick a color Dragon...
To: Lisa
Date: 1/15/2019 2:06:59 PM
Subject: RE: White Dragons, Red Dragons, Pick a color Dragon
"NO MORE BULLSHIT VENEER!" is the chant, in the inner and outer 😉
literally, people are speaking about how they do not care about the "details" or the "blame"...they repeatedly speak how all they care about is "beginning [their] life", "getting out, and starting [their life]", "reuniting with [their] family, and starting fresh", etc., etc., etc.
i am listening...with all i am, i do listen...to each and every one ❤️
..."asia", "china", "dragons of every color"... do not have my attention, not for a long time now...only hyper-acceleration of the transition has my attention... their experience in the flow is as they choose, including ceasing all their experiences corporally, yet in the flow they be in order to answer the age old question for them self: "TO BE OR NOT TO BE" 😉
...and "china" can keep the "Shakespearean writings/energy signatures" the "queen" gave them...keep them as a momento, and a reminder, that there is no way around "it", lol!... all J.P. Morgan, Fed Res, BIS, et al, gets as a reminder are crushed "stock markets", zeroed asset sheets, and an awake public 😃
love you
TERRAN NOTE: The above was in response to a letter Lisa sent Heather about the Goldfish Report interview with Ben Fulford and the Red Dragon Ambassador.
What is never stated in the interview is why does anyone trust nameless and hidden "dragons" (Pick a color) when they were behind the banking systems from the beginning????
My reaction was similar when the Red Dragon Ambassador expressed how hard it was to police and supervise the distribution of billions of dollars (which don't belong to the dragons in the first place) for which they take a 51% stake in any project, and have requirements for Chinese suppliers and contractors all under the guise of a humanitarian Global Peace Mission.
So what if someone wants to build a cafeteria in Texas? Its their value! Its their risk! Not the Dragons!
Monday, January 14, 2019
Article: U.S. Federal Reserve may need to backstop repo market
with HATJ Commnets
RE: Repo market
Jan 12, 2019 at 11:21 AM
Fed Res has NO assets/value to do anything with...lol...same as "China", Rothschilds, USA, et al ❤️
..."REPO MARKET" is a all a fraud anyways...JP Morgan got in big trouble (paid SEC off) years back for "cooking the books" using repo's ...it is the big private trader's big tool...then again, all the stock markets are money laundering tools and bribery (insider trading) tools, too...
collapsing it all was their choice, and their tool to expand their own conscious states ❤️
"the Perpetuity" was designed by all to accelerate that 😉
thank you for the details, love you! ❤️
-----Terran on 1/11/2019 2:21 PM wrote:
Updated Fri Jan 11, 2019 2:00 PM EST
U.S. Federal Reserve may need to backstop repo market -BAML
Extreme volatility in a key funding market for banks as 2018 came to a close should serve as evidence that the U.S. Federal Reserve ought to be prepared to serve as a backstop to prevent the market from seizing up, Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts said on Friday.
The $2.2 trillion repurchase agreement (repo) market enables banks and Wall Street to raise short-term cash to finance their trades and loans by using Treasuries and other securities as collateral.
On Dec. 31, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), a gauge on overnight repo rates, jumped to 3.15 percent, which was 75 basis points above the interest on excess reserves (IOER), or what the Fed pays banks on the excess reserves they leave at the central bank. Prior to the year-end spike, SOFR was running one basis point to six basis points above IOER.
If repo rates, some of which jumped above 5 percent that day, were to experience such sharp spikes more frequently, they could disrupt financial markets and cause other money rates to break above the top end of the Fed's target range.
"Treasury (repo) volatility has raised questions as to how and when the Fed steps into money markets to intervene in order to cap or smooth volatile repo markets," strategists Mark Cabana and Olivia Lima wrote in a research note released on Friday.
Repo rates often rise at year-end as banks and dealers pare their lending activity to conserve their cash to meet regulatory requirements. Still the most recent jump in repo rates was unusually large, according to Cabana and Lima.
This suggests the repo market "has become increasingly fragile and sensitive to shifting behavior of key market participants, especially banks and dealers," the strategists wrote.
The Fed adjusted the IOER rates twice in 2018 in a bid to
encourage banks to lend their reserves in the repo and federal funds market rather than to leave them at the central bank.
"We believe the Fed will ultimately need to be the repo backstop of last resort after the banking system exhausts it willingness to swap reserves for (Treasury) repo," Cabana and Lima said.
They said the Fed will need to introduce a new program tokeep a lid on repo rates.
In the minutes of their Dec. 18-19 policy meeting, Fed policymakers expressed an interest in learning about possible more "ceiling tools" to strengthen their control of the policyrate.(Reporting by Richard Leong; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Denice's Dream 1/8/2018
Had an amazing experience just before waking at 6:15 am. I was holding a baby boy. about 4 months old. dark hair and eyes, a black and white striped onesie.
He was talking to me! I realized it was not just telepathy, it was heart based. He was goooing and gahing, but I got what it meant!
So I asked him some questions. . .the gist of which is Humans are MAGNIFICENT!
I asked him what his favorite location was, and wasn't it more magnificent to be formless?
He said no. this is THE place to be NOW. It is really happening and he is here because it is where it is all merging!
Woke up feeling amazing!
Heather's Detox Conconction
During the trial in Tennesee, Heather taught me how to make a concoction for detoxing the body. Tennesee is a very damp climate with a lot of mold. And I picked up some sort of respiratory infection there in Oak Ridge during the winter.
This seems to work particularly well with digestive and respiratory issues. It's an old family recipe and I forget where exactly she said it came from, I think an Italian grandmother. But I could be wrong about that. I meant to make this earlier but was snowed in here in Colorado and was out of onions and garlic.
I am not a doctor and neither is Heather and I make no claim this will do anything for any health condition you may have, or fix/detox your pineal gland. But from my experience it seems to work wonders with the digestive and respiratory systems. Naturally if you are allergic to any of the components don't consume it, that's just common sense. It has an interesting side effect that makes your skin clear and glowing. The effect is noticeable within days. If you are older you may also notice less pain in joints.
4/5 of the human immune system is within the digestive tract. If you lighten the load on that part of your body it makes it much easier for the body to deal with other infections that may be present.

The recipe is pretty simple:
- 3-4 quartered lemons (organic if you can get them, but you can always wash off the peels if organic lemons are not available in your location)
- 2 Large Red or Yellow onions (don't use Maui or sweet Vidalias, you want the kind of onions that make you cry when cut, as they are rich in complex sulphur compounds)
- 1 full cluster of garlic cloves, peel them, they don't need to be crushed. Garlic should be a strong variety, not the fermented black garlic or Elephant garlic (much too mild).
Quarter the lemons, put them in a pressure cooker. Coarse chop the onions and put them into the pressure cooker. Peel a complete garlic, no need to chop the garlic. Add water to level marked in pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes. Let pressure cooker cool and return to normal pressure. Use a hand blender and puree the contents of the pressure cooker. Consistentcy should be similar to Apple sauce. If there is a lot of water remaining, cook lightly until consistency is reached. Put mix into glass jars and chill. If you don't have a pressure cooker you can cook in a large pot, it will just take longer.
To use, In a large water glass, put 3-4 tablespoons of the mix, add boiling hot water to thin. Sweeten with honey to taste. Depending on the quality and freshness of the lemons (some lemon peels are bitter are like grapefruit) you may need more or less honey. You will not notice the taste of garlic or onion, something about the boiling with lemons negates both the smell and taste of raw garlic and onions. The lemon also looses some of its acidity while boiling with the garlic and onions.
Consume 2-3 times a day or as you feel comfortable. The lemon pulp (and citric acid) seems to do some sort cleansing activity in the gut, and well the garlic and onions are full of wonderful compounds that are good for the body.
Updated 1/9/2018: Upgrades and the Tirades of a Snow Newbie
I've been through something very flu-like, but I don't know if it was the flu. Totally unlike anything I have ever felt before. Seemed to affect nearly every mucus membrane in my body. I still don't have much of an appetite which is very unusual for me. But I am over the worst of it.
It all started with the sniffles on the 26th, then a fever that eventually reached 102.7 F, then backed down to about 100.7F for several days. Somewhere in all that fitful dis-coherent sleep, coughing so hard my back hurts, I got I was integrating 128 aspects of myself (whether from formless parts of me or formerly in form parts of I don't know) - or perhaps its was just my fevered brain talking.
Between bouts of coughing I'd get these stabbing pains in my shins like someone was taking ice picks to my shins. It got so bad that I just spun the light in my body starting with my legs and then moving up to my head. And that cascaded a general purge in my body and seemed to break the fever.
Between Christmas and New Years we got about 10 inches of snow fall, and the subsequent snow drifts. My Honda became locked into what appeared to be a new glacier in formation. I've lived in the Italian alps in 2015-2016 but I've never seen snow like this. But not like I was in any shape to go anywhere and the roads were not all that safe to drive. We got in that storm more snow than Western Colorado got all last year. The local reservoirs do need the moisture.
My landlord got out the trusty snow blower and sectioned off parts of the resident parking lot glacier enough to get my car out enough to get some groceries. I was too weak to even attempt to plow the snow out.
We've had a very warm day yesterday, and last night we got another 8 inches of snow. The roof here, like many in western Colorado is metal and the snow that was sliding off the roof yesterday collapsed the icicles as it slid down the back of the house so now the roof snow has met the snow drift and it looks like the teeth between the two. It's a bit like living in the belly of the whale like Jonah.
I've noticed some behavioral changes within me, perhaps long overdue. I have very little tolerance right now for all the partial and sorta kinda disclosures. I have very little patience with institutional inertia. I have no patience for things that no longer serve me, whether old habits or food choices. Frankly I don't feel like eating much at all anymore except what is necessary for the day.
I have no desire to trace down clues, riddles, bread crumbs, loafs, that may or may not be fully disclosed according to some unstated plan, and all of which is yet to be openly and unambiguously owned without plausible deniability.
Heather may have her unique own language and way of speaking but if you go back to 2012 she's stayed entirely consistent in her message. Not that I or everyone else always understood at the time what she was saying, but what we did understand in those moments seemed to trigger an awakening in all of us. But I never had the feeling of data being piece mealed out a bit at time, drip by drip. Often it was such a deluge I didn't unpack what I was told for days or weeks later.
Without getting specific as to the various sources of kinda sorta disclosure information flowing right now, I'm seeing a lot of massaging the data to spin it all in "It was our mission" and we are so enlightened kind of language and hey "have you heard the gospel about 3, 6 and 9?".
While there are some astounding frank admissions (I'm all for that!), it seems to come with an appeal to maintain the position of power and prestige when every indication was that such mandates of trust were violated long ago. I mean really... devastating the black community with crack cocaine to run a secret space program is not such an enlightened thing to do, not to mention the damage done to Mexico by the clowns from C-A in support of drug cartels. So why should humanity trust you now for more of the same? What you do now simply is required for the advancement of human and necessary for your own forgiveness by humanity which fortunately for you, tends to take a bigger picture than the corporate think tanks did which came up with all the cockamamy schemes in the first place.
We are also watching the Chinese approach disclosures of their roles in the planetary slavery systems and disclosing it about as willingly as a cat heading for a dunk in the family bathtub. That's the trouble with a totally controlled media, you paint yourself in such glowing paternal terms that when the real stuff comes out, you panic your own people might have an issue with what was done in the name of government. If anything this is going to be a process of fits and and and stammers and there just ain't a way to save face, but one can save face by saving a planet and that's really all that matters in the end. What do you choose?
As for me, I won't posting videos of clues, decodings of things that could be said plainly but are not, after these upgrades all that nonsense just makes my skin crawl. Honestly I wonder if some of it isn't designed to drag out the rise of consciousness by keeping everyone in the dregs of the yuck as long as possible. There's preciously little humor out there right now, even graveyard humor is scarce. Things are as polarized as they have ever been.
What I will do is post what I feel to do, along with as much humor as possible. I will post my observations and opinions as clearly and simply as possible.
I am not here chase the rabbit holes of darkness on this planet. Others who feel drawn to that will and are doing that so if that's what you feel drawn to I am not going to judge. I've known all that was out there since the early 2000s. I'm just surprised it took this long to come out... you'd think that would have begun in 2012.
I am not sure what I am becoming, as I have no recall of exactly who I have been, but I know that for me, my biggest tasks are coming shortly and they have to done with clarity, joy, love and humor. Anything less will not cut it. If I have to put rubber boots on while the muck is flowing I will.
How the details of disclosure come about it is frankly not up to me, but the ALL, and it may wiggle out in the strangest of ways no matter how its spun. I do not need to be seen as a the source of disclosure, nor the sheep dog of competing narratives (and there are many).
I do trust it will be done perfectly and completely.
UPDATE: 1/8/2018 [SKYE had a very similar "FLU" to what I had only about 2 weeks earlier in England]
Skye: From your blog: "I've noticed some behavioral changes within me, perhaps long overdue. I have very little tolerance right now for all the partial and sorta kinda disclosures. I have very little patience with institutional inertia. I have no patience for things that no longer serve me, whether old habits or food choices. Frankly I don't feel like eating much at all anymore except what is necessary for the day.
I have no desire to trace down clues, riddles, bread crumbs, loafs, that may or may not be fully disclosed according to some unstated plan, and all of which is yet to be openly and unambiguously owned without plausible deniability. "
Skye: I’m glad you said all that because since I was ill with the flu or whatever it was I feel EXACTLY THE SAME WAY :) Can't be bothered with the 'riddles and clues and bloody bread crumbs etc'. I've had enough of it all.
SKYE: I'm going to [location redacted] at the weekend...
Terran: Glad I’m not the only one!
Terran: Helluva download huh?
Terran: I wanna go somewhere warm
Terran: Safe journeys!
Skye: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1082347305699889157?s=21
Skye: I love Donald...
Skye: would love to meet you in [location redacted] !! yes it was quite a download... jeez!!! Most intense EVER....
Terran: I’d love to go some day!
Updated: 1/9/2018
RE: Skye
Jan 9, 2019 at 2:23 PM
feeeeeeeeeeeeeel the same <3 nbsp="" p="">
.....doing rather than waiting.....as each feeeeeels to do, all ways always
<3 br="" nbsp="">
3> -----Terran on 1/8/2019 11:06 AM wrote:
Wrote a blog post about the last couple of weeks. Skye wrote me, she had gone thru a similar "illness" a couple of weeks prior to me. Both of us emerged with a distaste for the partial disclosures… and want no part of it. Something shifted on both of us. No patience for any of that and we both will do rather than wait on others.
The most cockamamie one being the lunar landing of a Chinese rover on the back side of the moon as if they were never there before… Chinese SSP still deeply hidden...
GAIA PORTAL: Severance elements are brought to bear
Severance elements are brought to bear
by ÉirePort
Severance elements are brought to bear.
Alignments change.
Rotatory partners combine.
Flurries are viewed.
ÉirePort | January 9, 2019 at 10:10 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p2sFUY-FY
Friday, January 4, 2019
GAIA PORTAL: Forces of Light are seen and felt by all humanity
Forces of Light are seen and felt by all humanity
by ÉirePort

Forces of Light are seen and felt by all humanity.
Bestiaries are relinquished.
Fluidics are joined.
The Masters appear.
The Christ within is known.
ÉirePort | January 4, 2019 at 11:11 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p2sFUY-G0
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