
Friday, January 21, 2022

Early 2017 #HATJ conversation with some UK friends about Antarctica


This came up unexpectedly recently. I hadn't seen it before. This isn't an interview as such, but a conversaion with David Witcher, Carl and Emily of the UK. Sound quality is not great and Emily's baby gets into the conversation, but it was not a formal interview either.  Carl's microphone broke.  There's interesting data as to how things stood in early 2017 in Antarctica.

Found at

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Update 1: Radiance messages

First instance of Radiance showing up

Update 1: Added comments and some amazing photos from two readers.

I've been seeing Radiance or its variant Radiant everywhere I go lately.  It seems to be something I am meant to take notice of and ponder.   This is the way Source speaks to us, it is ALL, and in all, so it speaks from all things.  

The second time it came up is with an Austin Plumbing company called Radiant.   Plumbing implies flow. That was followed very shortly by these two tweets on Twitter.

Margaret and Martha shared with me:

Margaret: T and all. I think I have something important or at least related to today's blog.

Margaret: On Late Friday night, early Sat morning I took photos outside. One was beautiful and unique to me. The next day I saw a blog post with the same coloring and the word radiance. I'll send both. I'm sure it means something because whenever I get a hit, I get the shaky feeling like a sugar drop. I'm getting it now as I type this.

Terran: What is a “sugar drop”?

Margaret: …I mean that feeling you get where you feel shaky if you haven't eaten enough in a long time.

Margaret: Sending my photo then the snap of the post:

Lyrada (the Lyran) seen in the portal

Margaret: I took it as a message to me, but the blog post message is a big one for all of us.

Margaret: Great blog, T! Very affirming. We've all got to keep going!! ❤️

Martha: I saw the word “radiant” yesterday in a random place too. Surprised me.

Martha: But what I’m seeing over and over is swirls. A bunch of sewing videos that appeared in odd places where people are sewing a Greek key design of a square swirl. A bunch! And photos of those sewn on stuff. And then posts with 🌀 posted over and over where the word “spiral” had nothing to do with the text. I’m remembering T added it to the old group after we talked about portals, so it always reminds me of portals. I dunno. But there are no coincidences. As some well known guy says.

Margaret: I think it's so cool that we all are getting similar messages. There are no coincidences and I think we are being told that things are moving forward in a positive way. I think it's great that we are getting the same message but in slightly different ways. I think that's how it works! We each are on our own path that is taking us to unity/reunion.

Margaret: 🥳🥳🥳

Terran: The 2nd photo, is that a being in the middle ?

Margaret: Yes! That is my dear friend, Lyarada!!

Margaret: … It was like I was zapped with way too much energy at first. That evening I felt L's energy a lot of the evening. I felt "full" and kind of buzzy. It felt very easy to connect. That was a nice experience. But I haven't had that experience since. But a while after that experience, L showed up in those photos where you could see them quite clearly in a bubble. I caught hundreds of snaps.

Margaret: Someone, maybe Denice or Skye told me that L said they could tell I was down because I couldn't see them. They did this so there could be no doubt that they are here and with me. I'll go find one of those photos.

Margaret: Most of the time when I take photos at night it’s just black

Margaret: I am learning, I think, that a person's energy signature is wired to catch the energies. I'm thinking that one of my roles is to connect with energies and share what I get. I realize now how much I've taken for granted that I can step out my back door, start communicating and then start to capture energies.

Margaret: I guess like some people are easily telepathic, this is something I can do because of my genes. Now I want to see those energies with by eyes.

Terran: It’s easier for some than others but not impossible. I was listening to Farsight Institute video on Noah and the flood…. Aziz Brown stopped at one point and did a little rant that you have to work at these skill to get good at them. Felt like he was speaking to me!

Margaret: I would have to agree that it's a skill. Like exercise you just have to do it to get stronger at it. But I also take into account that a star soccer player has a lot less work to do to make a goal in a professional game than I would. Starting at very different places 😃

Margaret: Having said that, lately I am getting very strong messages that ALL of us are supposed to be doing way more internal work than we are doing. I'm trying but I often fall asleep when I try. Maybe I go somewhere. Who knows.

Terran: Did you notice the tiny lights below Lyradas feet? Almost like she’s on a platform?

Margaret: I did. I think those are orbs visiting to witness Lyarada being there. I do catch those orbs often. I'm starting to get the impression that I'm really seeing a group of beings who are patiently waiting for me to realize that.

The Omicron Variant

Terran Note: I split this out from the Rogue AI post as it really is it’s own thread.

Terran: What is the purpose of graphene oxide in Covid vaccines?


Terran: Why magnetic graphene oxide?


Terran: Is the period after resolve a typo Denice?

Denice: Not a typo

Denice: It just comes in that way sometimes, like a pause? Then completion of that thought.

Terran: Stan is the Omicron variant a self propagating vaccine against covid?


Terran: So it’s origin is neither local nor nonlocal?



Update 3: Is there a rogue AI?

Update 3: I split the omicron data into a separate article. 

The Rogue AI Narrative

Terran: Stan, is there really a rogue AI running this planet right now or is that a misdirection?

Terran: There does seem to be some AI generated videos of politicians…



Terran: Is the Rouge AI narrative to avoid responsibility?


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Update 1: Part 6 - Xerxes - A Message from Xerxes - January 8,2022

January 8, 2022

Denice's note:  Got the unexpected message from Xerxes this morning about an hour ago.  Things are quiet here on a Saturday morning. The first time in weeks :)

When I sat down to the computer, the message felt forced for some reason.  Perhaps it is my reception of it?  Round two with a respiratory virus ;)

I am nudged strongly to find some original art.  Textiles (probably impossible), and primary sources for that era -- not much to find so far.  I was astounded when I was looking at the flora of the region!  Lilacs and sassafras?  We had both in my yard growing up, and I love the scent.

As the images were unfolding of the stream (or was I forming them? -- not certain)  I could hear the sounds. Almost smell the scents -- but this cold put a damper on that - lol!

The sky has been very clear here. Stars are very crisp at night.  Orion is laying on his side above my front door every night about 9.  Bigger and closer than previous years. . .

Update 1:  Added additional data I wasn't able to include with the phone app.  Corrected some photo sizing issues and placement.

A message from Xerxes

We return for another moment to share the art and architecture of my era. Indeed the hostess has stretched the boundaries of research to find accurate accounts and portrayals of such.

This image of the great wall in our humble home is faded to near non recognition. The indigos and reds were interladen with actual gold, long dimmed.

My predecessor, Darius.  (above)


Enough! In good form, I wonder, is my image immortalized in the stones on which I played as a youth? Know now that no human form is immortal. It is the seed and the seat that are immortal. Of this you will learn more. It is revealed now.

I return to the images of my first beloved in the apricot gown, wading in the cool shady stream, hidden and hiding from the harsh world to come?

The blush of a young girl coming into womanhood. Shy. Sedate. Introspective. To feel that once more which is lost into the eternal records of all. It is a delight to recall. And a delight to share with our hostess as she forms the image internally and projects that scene into the ethers now.

Does this assist in the revelation of creating? Of creation?

Add the sound of gentle waters falling over rounded stones. Birds calling to lovers and mates? Then the songs of crickets and other creatures giving grace to the complete scene?

The scent of blossoms. And for a moment we pause as our hostess again looks forward.

Ah yes! The humble sassafras. Not another sapling in creation bears the scent as well.

And lilac. To the surprise of our readers? But alas the vibrant fragrance was long gone in the summer heat of our visuals here.

To my delight our hostess seeks original images of my era. It is well. And I am grateful for the passing of this short moment to share with you.

We return at another moment.

I am Xerxes.


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Update 2: Radiance is Arriving

Update 1: changed Dr Mallone interview to Bitchute, which seems to work better than Rumble.

Update 2: cleaned up some grammar and wording for clarity

I'm sharing a conversation as it ended up being more than just data sharing with an old friend, and more a blog post in its own right. A lot of the work I have been doing lately has been on Telegram and Twitter and that's hurt my productivity here. 

I use Twitter as an in the moment kind of thing, I state quite clearly in my profile posts have a shelf life equal to that of lettuce. I delete the posts usually within a month, which is probably why the algorithms can't figure me out, no collected history to analyze.  Twitter only makes sense in the moment, it looks weird without the context of the moment.  Many comedians lost their careers because of old Tweets that were in another moment and when viewed from this moment, they either don't make sense are read in another context than which it was created.  Sensibilities change, as does humor. 

Text without context is pretext.  Context is temporal, cultural, situational and personal.

I have used Telegram so much lately perhaps I need to open my own Telegram group channel?  I am on GETTR although haven't used it much because I go where the people are, but it looks like Twitter is about to die as a service, so I may switch over to GETTR where I won't have to delete my posts. 

I've long wanted to share the Dr Malone conversation with Joe Rogan, but I expected it to be banned by YouTube (it was) so embedding it earlier would be pointless. It is now safely on Bitchute (at least for now).  I've added notes [in red] for clarity to my readers that GW would obviously already know so I didn't mention them in the original conversation.   GW has contributed to the blog and its predecessor on a number of occasions.  

There are some events coming soon, which I am just calling RADIANCE, because its very much tied into the energies now surrounding this solar system. Yet RADIANCE is also an inside job.  Inside YOU. It will affect everyone, vaccinated or not.  Vaccine nanotech is not going to delay it.  I'm not going to say what it looks like.  But you and me, will know it when we see it.  Sometimes things are felt before they are seen.  MANY ARE FEELING IT.

The only work you really need to do is accept that you are part of the ALL, Source itself.  Every religion believes God is omnipresent, and that is only possible if your existence is not separate from God/Source/The ALL. Yet to not do so, is like your arm telling you it's not YOU.   You are immersed in the ALL and the ALL itself.  Don't worry if that takes a while to sink in, just allow for the fact that it might just be true.

On Jan 3, 2022 GW Hardin wrote: 

Reiner Fuellmich: “New Findings… Enough to Dismantle the Entire (VAX) Industry!”

On Jan 4, 2022, GW Hardin wrote:

More on Malone interview with Rogan.

On Jan 4, 2022  Terran wrote:

I listened to that interview. Malone is an impeccable man.

On Jan 4, 2022 GW Hardin  wrote:

It was perhaps the best podcast interview I’ve ever heard. Rogan did a magnificent job.

On Jan 4, 2022  Terran wrote:

There comes a point in all this that personal development becomes stunted in the face of the onslaught of the viral gore propaganda and the fight against it. [The frequency lowering effects from the polarity games. How do know a polarity game? When someone singles out someone they want you to hate. We are in a war of frequencies more than a war of information. Ask yourself why is it that even those who claim to be in contact with purported "white hates", knowing what is wrong with this planet, are busy generating hate in people.  Just removing the miscreants is sufficient! ] I reached that point a few months back. I don’t add value to peoples lives repeating what so many now do so well. It doesn’t serve me either. KP seems to have reached the same point and also feels what is about to happen on the radiant side of things. Radiance is arriving.

It was different in 2012, when everyone was under the spell of the bankers. But that’s broken now and the inevitable decline of their slave system. Their doomed panicked attempts to revive it is not supported by the energies, so they flail in the churn at the edges of the flow.

COVID was about several things, getting rid of Trump thru fear. Remember the impossible to verify videos from China of the PLA welding people into their apartments and people just falling over dead in the streets.  Nobody falls over in the street from COVID!  Every illusion begins with an allusion, which creates a presumption in the viewer who then creates their personal reality. With the fear cemented into place, Trump panicked and closed the borders but the virus was already here, [Kirkland Washington and New York City] perhaps by design from the beginning.

If the public knew about the pre-placement of the virus it would put to the lie the existence of the CDC and it’s ability to control anything, but it [the CDC/NIH/FDA] was to be part of the narrative that nature is hostile to man, [and created some evil bats from WUHAN to infect mankind] and sends these things at us like angry god pissed at global warming.  [The fact there was a biolab in Wuhan working with bat corona viruses to make them more lethal and funded ultimately by Fauci was called conspiracy theory! Yet it was true!]

I once asked my nonlocal friends about all the great epidemics, they told me all of them came out of a lab. [usually in China] Even before Louis Pasteur and germ theory! That doesn’t make much sense [from a human historical view of technology]  unless you know you’ve lived on an occupied planet [by hostile ETs] your entire life and that we are pharmed (misspelling intentional).  [China being the gateway used by a certain group of ETs]

China was the only country willing to begin it on its own territory at the Wuhan lab and we know Fauci funded it! But all of them were in on it and there was a underground lab in upstate NY near the Canadian border also producing COVID-19 (for use in aerosols?). [taken out of service and reported as an earthquake] It’s a chimera virus [COVID] which is unstable, so it was propositioned to magnify its perceived lethality and contagion before it petered out.

It’s rumored Omnicron is viral borne vaccine for COVID created by benevolent ETs. I don’t have data on that. But the reaction to it by the elites make me suspect there may be truth in it.

On Jan 4, 2022 GW Hardin wrote:

Your analysis makes sense to me. What makes even more sense to me is your recognition of the Radiance. I’m about to put together a paper on a new kind of Radiance. I’ve done a few experiments already to verify what the high angelics have given me. Should be interesting. I’m smiling at your posting my comments on the med bed. 

What I’m about write will go way beyond that technology. This “becoming miraculous” that I will write about will show folks that we don’t even need that tech. We are far more gifted than we have been willing to realize. Yourself being an exception. 

So stay tuned as the Radiance continues to roll back the Darkness. Your theory of Omicron being a closeted antidote has merit that will fit into this Radiance notion. As a statistician, it became obvious to me that the reason why Colorado had a massive outbreak of Omicron ahead of everywhere else also fits with the unexpected wildfires. The fires were a response to energetic cleansing or purifying of the energy here. 

I think you are now seeing Colorado being a metaphoric epicenter of the Radiance landing and spreading. Should be interesting. Stay tuned.

A thousand blessings,

Monday, January 3, 2022


Date: January 2, 2022 at 5:41:32 PM MST

Terran: Don't know if this is real, just popped up on Project Camelot


GW: This so-called “med bed” technology is actually based on a 7-year old technology called the Cyber-Scan. 

I was a consultant for one of the distributors with that technology years ago. 

The real problem with this is that for it to work, it needs a copy of your DNA coding, which it has the capability of acquiring via soliton scalar waves given off and used by the brain. 

Once you have a person’s DNA codes you can work directly with the person’s brain/soliton system across time/space, which is the reason they use the word “quantum” to reflect that. 

It’s not really quantum, but it is scalar, which makes it appear to be quantum entanglement. It isn’t. It’s quantum resonance. 

If a holder of those codes decides to use them for evil, they do have the capacity to do that. And that is where I part ways with this technology. Indeed, the same problem exists with the galactic  med beds except there is a failsafe built into them to prohibit negative intent from functioning with the devices. That’s not the case with this technology. 

The other problem is that “You can’t cure stupid.” This technology may mask the medical issue by overriding the source of the issue, but the source still remains. If that source isn’t addressed the medical issue will either reappear to help the person to learn a lesson (compassionate-wisdom) or it will manifest in a parallel way. 

The Higher Self is dedicated to our growing in wisdom, and thus will find a way for the lesson to be learned. 

What i tell people is, “Know thyself. Trust thyself. Forgive thyself.” That is at the heart of most healing. 

Me thinks it’s important for folks to know the inherent flaw with this technology that is being promoted here. Yes, it’s nice. But…

from my heart to yours,