Skye: OK Nabrac has dropped by... he HEARD you had some questions for him.... ?
Terran: Yes I do!
Terran: Nabrac why does my energy fade so often? The altitude? Am I somewhere else a lot lately?
Terran you are BUSY... busier than you have ever been.Your body is in several densities at once [skye: he said densities, don't know if that makes sense??].
We are all doing 10 jobs at the same time...some literally. Your 3D body was made/created to take all that has been and is being 'thrown at it' and it is working overtime. Just listen to your body and take all the rest it needs.
Your body needs the clearer air for this work, but you have been so long in denser frequencies it is taking time to acclimate on more than one level
There are new frequencies 'incoming' in all directions, and your body is busy re-wiring itself
You are doing some of the most important work on this planet right now
and we truly appreciate that
Btw we like your new hat :)
Terran: lol!!
Hat from Martha and Maragre |
Nabrac again:
and you know that balaclava you mentioned could be useful??? Well... I wonder why that 'thought' came in.. huh??? Could be useful in 'undercover' work.... ? π
Terran: Lol
Terran: Nabrac when I sleep it seems I’m constantly talking to people
And not just when you're asleep π
Terran: On this end it’s all jumbled up and I don’t know details but a lot is going on
IT IS... 'on a need to know basis'... thats why you can't remember... You remember what is important... The rest is important while it's happening, but the memory is not. Be assured the work you are doing is VERY IMPORTANT. You are playing a KEY role in the team... You are the GLUE holding it together [skye: interesting]
Terran: On a humorous note a local dentist is named Rothschild.
Skye lol that is hilarious... AND NO COINCIDENCE
Skye: Have you been doing any gluing lately, out of interest? lol
Terran: I’ve been thinking about glue as I need to add more plywood to the kitchen floor the owner used thin material and I’m a big boy
Skye: Well there ya go....
Terran: Been doing a lot of electrical wiring. Y has been building too
Skye: WELL Nabrac also says....
“There are new frequencies 'incoming' in all directions, and your body is busy re-wiring itself”
Terran: Hmmmm
Skye: rewiring and gluing
Skye: He's coming through very clearly tonight
Terran: Inner and outer
Skye: the rewiring of the physical bodies and the planet... inner and outer
Terran: Nabrac is Majestic 12 a true disclosure or manipulation?
Skye relaying Nabrac’s words: He's saying to
Terran: Trust me? Or MJ12?
Skye: He's not saying any more than that.
Skye: typical lol!
Skye: wait... he's just said
“MJ12 = disclosure”
Terran: Did you ever see a more hot button topic?
Skye: no
Skye: He says
“The Plan is very complicated”
“...involves many players on many players ...some will turn out not to be who you thought... maybe double maybe triple bluff maybe more... remember the game blind man's buff?”
“The ball of string is unravelling very quickly.... They thought they had all the loose ends tied up within the ball of string... but tug one loose and the whole lot becomes a tangled mess which takes a while to untangle, but eventually the true thread becomes apparent... “
Terran: Interesting term “ball of string” Y once used that term... [in a conversation]
Skye continuing quote
“...and wound up in it are lots of pieces of string that at one time were cut and then rebound into the ball in order to hide the fact that they had been cut... and were not still part of the original thread”
Terran: Sometimes when I encounter people I have this sense I know them from before like Heather, Cobra, and maybe MJ12 but that’s not clear to me yet.
Terran: Also one voice in Q [posts] I recognize
[Q is a group]
The voice you recognise is your own
Terran: In which instance?
Skye: It was when you said the
“voice in Q you recognise" that he said
“your own”...
Terran: I would agree
Terran: In what form I have no idea
Terran: Will I remember the details when it’s all over of all this work?
When it's all over you will not care whether or not your remember all the details. Your world, your universe, your ALL will be so unrecognisable you will be focused on the NOW and at the wonder of it all!
Terran: I can live with that. It’s about the result.
Skye: Nabrac feels very calm and kind of strong and assured... not flippant or offhand or arrogant even as he sometimes can be... not tonight...very business like
Skye: He wants you to feel confident that all is well and going to plan and that you shouldn't worry about your physical form
Skye: it is built to cope!
Terran: RAK mentioned once I [the alpha inbodyment] was split into 12 (earth) fragments but also had 1200 [other] inbodyments
Skye: bloomin' heck!
Terran: He doesn’t have to live in it lol. Seriously though I don’t know how I am even operating at times with my [sometimes] O2 lower than it was when I was in ICU in 2009...
so something is sustaining me!
Light Terran... LIGHT
Terran: One tough body huh?
yes definitely Bill
Skye: He's saying that
“you shouldn't believe that your 02 levels need to be a certain number... “
Skye: that's called 'mind control' lol
Skye: and the mind controls the body...
Skye: i climbed down from the summit of [Mount] Everest with no supplementary 0xygen as it had run out. And i only had one third of what we have at sea level... and i was absolutely fine. Felt amazing actually
Terran: Here’s what I do know... when most of me is here O2 levels are normal
Skye: there you go
Terran: Maybe less of me needs less?
Skye: yes could be absolutely
Skye: he said
Skye: i just know you shouldn't worry
Terran: I stopped worrying
Skye: do you feel breathless?
Terran: No but sometimes get altitude headaches
..and you're not only busy when you're asleep..." he said that too...
Skye: water?
Terran: Drinking a lot of water and tea, cutting back on coffee
Skye: food? :)
Skye: at altitude i often felt crappy when i hadn't had enough to eat. headache
Terran: Adequate food, actually in the last week appetite has declined
Skye: Anyway... he's just saluted lol.... He's off
Skye: He was saluting YOU
Terran: I salute him too!
Skye: He appreciates that
Terran: Yeah I think that covers it
Terran: Absolutely! ❤️
Skye: Thumbs up all round... we're all doing a great job ❤️
Terran: Thank you Skye! (hug)
Skye: BIG LOVE AND A BEAR HUG (lips)(heart)(hug)(penguinkiss)
Terran: Lol
Terran: Cheers!
Terran: πΊπΊ
Skye: yes... here's to us ... all of us
Terran: That conversation helps a lot.
Skye: great
Skye: love you bill
Terran: ❤️