
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A formal request for an interview with Mari Swa (formerly Mari Swaruu)

This image is a screen capture from Mari's YouTube channel,
The photograph is real, the image a composite.

This is my formal request for an interview/chat with Mari Swa. Mari does videos on YouTube nearly every day,  which she labels as "science fiction, but I take this information very seriously".   I have sensed this young woman was indeed real, and I think I have made telepathic connection with her a few times, including seeing her face.   Telepathic visuals are easier for me than words are (but even that is improving).  My brain is just wired better for visuals, which is why I asked for Denice's help with the comms.  I just didn't want to put something out there for public viewing without getting it right. 

Denice is simply the best I know for messaging as she can do telepathy and heart comms.  Denice also has a galactic comms implant giving her the ability to give verbatim messaging (especially useful with technical subjects) provided it goes through official Galactic comms channels.  Denice was a comms officer in the Andromeda Galaxy before her life there was cut short when she was assassinated by a Draco assailant at a diplomatic party, ages ago. There are 9 comms officers like Denice, Sophia Love is also one of them.  Sophia has her own projects, but has relayed information to us on a couple of rare occasions.  

The answer to our inquiry is a bit convoluted, as it comes through the beings of the Andromeda Constellation (not the Galaxy).  So while Mari has  expressed dissatisfaction placed on Taygetan's by that particular Andromeda Council (I would too), it appears she will use the chain of command in this case?   In any case any formal contact will come through Alex Collier's contact Tolec.  There might be direct telepathic contact but I am not yet comfortable publishing those yet because I don't feel I am where I should be to share that accurately. 

Perhaps this is a lesson for me in the exopolitics of nonlocals.  Whatever the case, we didn't get a NO, more a MAYBE, if I read between the lines correctly.  Given Clif High's predictions of increased ET activity in the next 45 days, perhaps that will change to a definite YES?

September 12, 2024

Terran: Could you see if you can contact Mari Swa (formerly Mari Swaruu), the Taygetan non-heredity Queen aboard the ship Sadicleya in earth orbit and see if she is willing to converse with us?

Terran: I realize she may have time constraints as do you, so this may extend over several days and probably not in real time unless you (and she) get some block of free time. It doesn’t have to be in real time although it would flow better if it did.

Denice: I will give it a shot Sunday. Traveling to [redacted] Sat. for [redacted] birthday.

Terran: That’s wonderful! Thanks!

September 13, 2024

Denice: Did you get my email about the Tagetians in my dream?

Terran: I did not get it

Denice: Will resend it. When I tried to email you, I was logged out of both my emails on the laptop. Logged out of the phone, too.

Denice: Sent it to you, Martha, Bev, and H. Sent it the 10th.

Terran: Got it now. Can I publish?

Denice: Sure

September 14, 2024

Terran: What time Sunday is good for you?

Denice: I have asked Mari for a transmission. No response yet. So I asked that she have a third party email you and that will confirm the contact. If she is willing.

Terran: Do they have my email? Sometimes even your email does not get through.

Denice: Yes.

Terran: Is that Yes from her?

Denice: Yes they have your email.

September 15, 2024

Terran: No email yet. I don’t like how this was setup. No audit trail on the chain of custody. Did it go thru galactic comms? Andromedan? Ashtar Command?

Denice: No. It was through me. There was no response from her to my request.

Denice: No. It was through me. There was no response from her to my request. I gave it an hour.

Denice: So I told her if she wants to communicate, she could have a certain one on Earth send an email to you. It may take a few days. Maybe a week. She has not responded.

Terran: You did your best! Thanks! We'll see what happens.

Terran: I think I have had telepathic conversations with her but I’m uncertain. Whomever it was it was a very clear transmission…

Terran: I was hoping I’d get a third party confirmation of my telepathy with Mari. But looks like that won’t happen. Btw did you listen to Clifs latest?

September 16, 2024

Denice: Clif’s was good.

Denice: The third party email may still come. That is the confirmation, there isn’t a time frame for it.

September 17, 2024

Denice: Check your spam for an email from Tolec

Denice: πŸ˜‰

Terran: No email received. Did you try to email me?

Denice: You will get an email from Tolec when Mari wants to communicate.

Denice: He is the third party.

Terran: Tolec is Alex Collier’s people. [contact]

Denice: She is working through him. Not me.

Terran: Those “andromedans” [from the constellation not the adjacent galaxy] are the one she’s been complaining about.

Denice: Interesting. That was the message I got.

Denice: I hadn’t heard anything about Tolec in years. He sent KP a crystal once.

Terran: I did not know that!

Terran: What is the relationship between the “A’s” from the constellation and our friends from the galaxy?

Denice: I have no idea

Denice: When you asked me to contact her there was no response. A while later, I got the short message that she would contact you through Tolec.

Denice: That would be the confirmation you wanted. Meaning the Tolec contact.

Terran: Maybe they are the relay point?

Terran: I just got an image of Mari. She sent that thru him. I feel her. I don’t know why I do. Maybe I knew her once?

Denice: Awesome!!! Maybe we are closer to the point of contact than ever before?

Friday, September 13, 2024

Denice's Dream about Taygetans

Wow! I had an amazing experience last night. I wanted to share it when I woke, but I had an early morning at work.

Preface: I do not follow anyone. I do not know any thing about the 'Tagetians'.

Woke in my dream before 4 am. I was in a new place, night time. Suburbs. My first scene was me walking outside at night. From the left side of a white two or three story house. I was coming out from under a carport or portico. I was looking at the night sky and saw quite a few cylinder shaped ships. Beige. Some were shaped less like Cylinders and more like barbells.

I got so excited and started running down a grassy area. I was shouting to others to look at the sky. I started dancing. I was so happy. I walked back up to the carport/portico and a dark haired male was there. I knew him, but it was casual. We started dancing, but never touched. It was really cool and unique.

Then beings from the ships were coming up the hill toward us. Shouting to the "Tagetians" to come out and there would be Amnesty. If they did not, it would not go easy.

Next scene, I was in a large empty room. There were lots of beings. Dressed like Boy George, large, loose, baggy pants, overcoats, hats. They all had straw colored hair and light pink skin.

Next scene, I was in a room with a few of the women. Dressed the same as the men. One dropped her clothes and was naked. She lay down on a large pillow face down, and she had a tail that covered her bottom. She suddenly changed positions and she was on her back. She delivered a tiny female. The size of my palm. That little one grew instantly. She stood beside her mother and a helmet and uniform came out from her back. Very mechanical. There was a glass face mask with an intricate silver piece that covered her mouth.

I was pulled back outside and there were dozens of beings mostly male, tall, thin, pink faces, straw hair, with various ice blue markings on their temples. No two were the same. They were all being taken down the grassy area to the ships.

Image from

I woke up.

As I tried to send this to you all today, my emails were both logged out. It took a bit to log in. That never happens!!

Just now, I had a few pop ups in this email screen. That has never happened before.

Oh how fun!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Police Chief in Tennessee exposes The Biggest Corruption Story In America.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

The implicate order of the universe is unity, Oneness

The implicate order of the universe is unity. Oneness.

Creation and destruction are within the ALL.  Its present before and after each new creation as one follows the other, they find unity in the ALL and their moment of flow in all that is.

The physical creations, realms, stars, planets, and celestial bodies in every verse of the multiverse, is feminine in energy. Receptive, life nurturing. It seeks love, it is love. It is where the eternal dreams each existence and consciousness stream.

The movement of change, expansion and protection is a masculine projection of the ALL in nature.  These energies of male and female find their expression in many life forms, but these  energies are present in varying degrees in each being, and some beings have an equal balance of these energies. 

The consciousness streams flow in many octaves of frequency, sometimes known as densities (they are not truly dimensions in the mathematical sense) , some known and some not yet revealed. What is considered the lowest demsity is abundant with light. It’s just more condensed and compressed but light none the same.  Energy is not destroyed only converted into another form and the most light filled creations are some of the denser ones.   Density however extracts a price, and that is how rapidly or slowly manifestation occurs.  The density of Earth is like honey compared the the density of what many call "home". 

The rupture in this verse occurred, when the question was asked for the first time “What if, love was not present?” by the one who became the destroyer of worlds. He cast the die and the rest unfolded. He also lost his center, his energy connection to the ALL. Destruction overtook creation within him and all that he brought forth. He became suspicious of those that loved him. Vengeful to those that tried to help.

He searched for a means to supply the energy that naturally flows a heart in a state of love would have had naturally. He did this quite cleverly as the divide between creation and destruction became known as darkness and light.

His peers tried fencing him off from other creations, making sure those life forms could not harbor his frequency. But he was more clever than that. The eternal records were encrypted by his peers so he could not use them as templates for creation for more war and destruction. He was able to find the creation records of the dinosaurs, and used them to engineer reptilian life forms resonant with his essence frequency, first in the astral, then in the physical.

When sides of Dark vs Light evolved into a duality of existence within the verse, he cleverly used both as pillars of his loosh energy pump. He created beliefs and religion of a false light. He pitted religion against his dark magi and wizards in controlled opposition so that he could harvest the energies of conflict on an ever growing scale.  But each was his controlled opposition.  Galactic wars were fought in the name of light and dark and none were the wiser as to who was manipulating them to exhaustion. This was even codified by some as “the Law of Mirrors”, unaware human energy as always extracted through mirror accounts. What it was in reality was the trap of duality. 

Feed it violence, and you get violence back. Feed it hatred you get hatred back. Feed it division and you will always be looking behind your back. Soldiers were trained to hate “the enemy” an enemy in which their corporate masters could change every few years for reasons of profit. The reasons for the war didn’t matter, only that there was war and those low frequencies to harvest, and he was good at harvesting it.

The duality didn’t only exist on Earth, it existed everywhere and every realm, although some convinced themselves that everything they did was “of the light” but noticeable absent was any talk of “of Love”. Love has no duality there is no polarity to it. There is even a form or warfare that is of love, particularly when it’s required to preserve life. Mothers’s will defend their children to the very end. It is not required to hate “the other”, and seasoned expert soldiers don’t. They often come to admire their adversaries, but they do have a job to do, without the baggage of hatred.  It is the right of every life form to defend itself and its offspring.  This is universally true. 

The Dark King created an economic system in Orion of registrants (slaves) and agents. Then he exiled recalcitrant human hybrids to Earth in Babylon and around the Black Sea. He gave them gods to worship. 

He substituted Source current with the faux current of money, “currency” of his own making rooted in a suction pump of human energy in debt from birth. Source energy is an endless artesian well of abundance - more vast than the life forms it in-powers.  It doesn't charge interest. It doesn't care about time.  He told the registrants they were worthless and nothing was free in the multiverse and they had to work hard to survive. The preacher Calvin made such a belief a protestant work ethic. They had no time to contemplate their existence or figure it out. 

He told his agents they and their offspring were special and provided they complied with horrendous contracts of spilled blood and innocents slaughtered. The conflicts didn’t really matter, what mattered to him was there was the energy of conflict to harvest and blackmail to enforce it. The registrants were told they were without value but free to earn money if they worked hard enough and were smart enough. They were even allowed to participate as 15% of “the market” run by forces beyond their comprehension. Some prospered, most did not and succumbed to the casino game of energy extraction.

Others not as gifted, or lesser in will power, willingly betrayed their own kind as an agent of collaboration and were rewarded as elite puppets of the hidden hand of the King of Darkness. Some for power, some for fame, some for sex, drugs and self destruction.  Enforcement was usually by peers or social construct, other times by commerce licenses (and the threat of losing them as it was shown during COVID) or outright laws in legislatures and courts. 

The Dark King was constrained by energy contracts in this verse, requiring notice and disclosure to the registrants. His way of gaining consent was not informed consent. it was implied consent, without the means to redress infractions of consent. It was hidden in homonyms, idem sonans, and every form of word play that could be be plausibly denied as disclosure for informed consent.  Even through movies, music and cartoons. 

When Christianity arrived Canon law was created as a reflection of galactic commerce and trade, which became the law of the sea by the Phoenicians, Venice nobility in their ships of trade, and Babylonian and Black Sea magi from exiled human/draco Orion hybrids (which were  known for stealing the identities of others to mask their own criminal syndicates by playing victim). The off world blockchains and distributed ledgers of slave trafficking and human by products had not yet mirrored itself in technology, but would in a few hundred years. And he convinced off worlders (nonlocals) this was all free will. Omitting of course that the essences of those killed in battle here and there were imprisoned on this planet in an endless wheel of reincarnation.

The elites and ruling families were agents of the collectivized and centralized value of humanity. Human value was monetized by baptismal records followed later in the 1900’s by state issued birth certificates where each human “Birthed/Berthed” was declare lost at sea and their salvage to collect when the placental water burst from the the spring waters of their mothers portal of life.

The only way to win the game of duality is to not play it. The engine of the matrix, the money systems, has already been defanged and it is starving.  The Cihkar draco empire expelled, The Dark King himself reconciled to Source in pure love when he left form of his own accord as a concession of defeat of his grand experiment.   That change is still rippling through various galactic federations in this verse. 

There are still minions out there operating on their original orders. It seems when each layer of the pyramid is cleared, the ones below in the next tier are the last ones to hear about it.  No master is too keen to publicize his or her own complicitiy. This is the reason you see doubles of leaders, and even silicone rubber masked actors posing as them, to flush out the ones below who are prone to confirmation bias that things are continuing as they always have.   Its the only way to flush out the deep infiltration into this world's systems.

But it has all changed. You can see it in the skies. You can feel it in the air. And disclosures abound everywhere in this now.  Yes we pay more for food than Russians do.   But that will change soon. 

Be off good cheer, don't be stupid and win stupid prizes.  Much drama is yet to unfold, perhaps I should phrase it as unzip, as its not building up to anything, its more like a bag of sand with a hole in the bottom.  It will never be reconstituted as it once was. But first it has to be seen for what it is.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Update 1: Thor on Saturn

Terran: Thor, who lives on Saturn? What is the connection of Saturn to Luna and Earth?


Terran: Thor, I’ve seen images of Saturn’s rings that appear to have large bulbous craft traveling within the rings themselves and leaving a wake behind. Are these mining ships? What are they mining? Minerals? Ice? Who is if operating those craft?

Terran: What causes the hexagon at Saturns poles? Is it a sound pattern phenomena?


Terran: Is the Horizon and Neptune currently in the vicinity of Saturn?


Terran: Is there a ship/biosphere called the Viera? Is it at Saturn?



Tonight (Sept 4th) I was driving a blind man and his seeing eye dog to his home. As I passed the high rise hotels downtown Austin the inside of my car was painted by wide blue lasers about 1 1/2 inches wide through the glass of my moon roof. I thought at first a cop was pulling me over. I’m not really sure what it was but it was bright blue and moving in ribbons. Some sort of celebrations or light show???

Terran: Thor did any of your friends send blue laser ribbons into the glass roof of my car last night?


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Thor answers questions about “Grandfather”

Terran: Dear Thor, 

Terran: Stan X recently mentioned that “Grand Father” of the Chinese Elders was “active” in this now.

Terran: Does this mean he’s in compliance with Heathers law filings?   

Terran: Is the purported BRICS advances recently part of the above?

Terran: Also which star nations withing the purported Galactic Federation are running commerce systems? Which ones are currently doing commerce with Earth?