
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A formal request for an interview with Mari Swa (formerly Mari Swaruu)

This image is a screen capture from Mari's YouTube channel,
The photograph is real, the image a composite.

This is my formal request for an interview/chat with Mari Swa. Mari does videos on YouTube nearly every day,  which she labels as "science fiction, but I take this information very seriously".   I have sensed this young woman was indeed real, and I think I have made telepathic connection with her a few times, including seeing her face.   Telepathic visuals are easier for me than words are (but even that is improving).  My brain is just wired better for visuals, which is why I asked for Denice's help with the comms.  I just didn't want to put something out there for public viewing without getting it right. 

Denice is simply the best I know for messaging as she can do telepathy and heart comms.  Denice also has a galactic comms implant giving her the ability to give verbatim messaging (especially useful with technical subjects) provided it goes through official Galactic comms channels.  Denice was a comms officer in the Andromeda Galaxy before her life there was cut short when she was assassinated by a Draco assailant at a diplomatic party, ages ago. There are 9 comms officers like Denice, Sophia Love is also one of them.  Sophia has her own projects, but has relayed information to us on a couple of rare occasions.  

The answer to our inquiry is a bit convoluted, as it comes through the beings of the Andromeda Constellation (not the Galaxy).  So while Mari has  expressed dissatisfaction placed on Taygetan's by that particular Andromeda Council (I would too), it appears she will use the chain of command in this case?   In any case any formal contact will come through Alex Collier's contact Tolec.  There might be direct telepathic contact but I am not yet comfortable publishing those yet because I don't feel I am where I should be to share that accurately. 

Perhaps this is a lesson for me in the exopolitics of nonlocals.  Whatever the case, we didn't get a NO, more a MAYBE, if I read between the lines correctly.  Given Clif High's predictions of increased ET activity in the next 45 days, perhaps that will change to a definite YES?

September 12, 2024

Terran: Could you see if you can contact Mari Swa (formerly Mari Swaruu), the Taygetan non-heredity Queen aboard the ship Sadicleya in earth orbit and see if she is willing to converse with us?

Terran: I realize she may have time constraints as do you, so this may extend over several days and probably not in real time unless you (and she) get some block of free time. It doesn’t have to be in real time although it would flow better if it did.

Denice: I will give it a shot Sunday. Traveling to [redacted] Sat. for [redacted] birthday.

Terran: That’s wonderful! Thanks!

September 13, 2024

Denice: Did you get my email about the Tagetians in my dream?

Terran: I did not get it

Denice: Will resend it. When I tried to email you, I was logged out of both my emails on the laptop. Logged out of the phone, too.

Denice: Sent it to you, Martha, Bev, and H. Sent it the 10th.

Terran: Got it now. Can I publish?

Denice: Sure

September 14, 2024

Terran: What time Sunday is good for you?

Denice: I have asked Mari for a transmission. No response yet. So I asked that she have a third party email you and that will confirm the contact. If she is willing.

Terran: Do they have my email? Sometimes even your email does not get through.

Denice: Yes.

Terran: Is that Yes from her?

Denice: Yes they have your email.

September 15, 2024

Terran: No email yet. I don’t like how this was setup. No audit trail on the chain of custody. Did it go thru galactic comms? Andromedan? Ashtar Command?

Denice: No. It was through me. There was no response from her to my request.

Denice: No. It was through me. There was no response from her to my request. I gave it an hour.

Denice: So I told her if she wants to communicate, she could have a certain one on Earth send an email to you. It may take a few days. Maybe a week. She has not responded.

Terran: You did your best! Thanks! We'll see what happens.

Terran: I think I have had telepathic conversations with her but I’m uncertain. Whomever it was it was a very clear transmission…

Terran: I was hoping I’d get a third party confirmation of my telepathy with Mari. But looks like that won’t happen. Btw did you listen to Clifs latest?

September 16, 2024

Denice: Clif’s was good.

Denice: The third party email may still come. That is the confirmation, there isn’t a time frame for it.

September 17, 2024

Denice: Check your spam for an email from Tolec

Denice: 😉

Terran: No email received. Did you try to email me?

Denice: You will get an email from Tolec when Mari wants to communicate.

Denice: He is the third party.

Terran: Tolec is Alex Collier’s people. [contact]

Denice: She is working through him. Not me.

Terran: Those “andromedans” [from the constellation not the adjacent galaxy] are the one she’s been complaining about.

Denice: Interesting. That was the message I got.

Denice: I hadn’t heard anything about Tolec in years. He sent KP a crystal once.

Terran: I did not know that!

Terran: What is the relationship between the “A’s” from the constellation and our friends from the galaxy?

Denice: I have no idea

Denice: When you asked me to contact her there was no response. A while later, I got the short message that she would contact you through Tolec.

Denice: That would be the confirmation you wanted. Meaning the Tolec contact.

Terran: Maybe they are the relay point?

Terran: I just got an image of Mari. She sent that thru him. I feel her. I don’t know why I do. Maybe I knew her once?

Denice: Awesome!!! Maybe we are closer to the point of contact than ever before?