Terran note: Some interest was expressed in this post from 2017. I am reposting this now, 6 years later for any of you interested in it.
Terran: Loie?
Denice: yes

Loie: Bill, I am here, Love. Loie.
Terran: Hi Loie!
Loie: Hello, dear!
Terran: I don't even know what to ask today just wanted to connect with you
Loie: How about a frequency and you see what you see, Dear? Loie.
Terran: Sure!
Loie: Here we go, love!
Terran: Hearing a ringing in my left ear
Loie: Boosting dear! loie
Terran: A different frequency in my right ear
Loie: Boosting again, love!
Terran: Seeing a warm maybe tropical place car out front
Terran: Looks like a 1957 Chevy Bel Air
Terran: Something on the roof I think it's an inflatable raft but not sure
Terran: This might be Cuba
Terran: Riding in the car
Terran: We pass a group of people eating a meal picnic tables are arranged in a giant circle around a very large tropical tree
Terran: We drive by
Terran: Lot of old motorcycles and old GM cars
Terran: Two lane road
Terran: Coconut palm groves
Terran: On the left is a water fall maybe 30 feet high fairly wide
Terran: Moderate amount of water
Terran: Pulling into a large brick house 2-3 stories on right with very wide roof seems to be to protect from rain
Terran: Roof covers driveway another roof covers other side of looping drive white ancillary building
Terran: Can you boost?
Loie: Boosting, love! Loie.
Terran: There's a guard in green military uniform and Castro type hat outside, he seems bored he's having a cigar
Terran: Going in...
Terran: For Cuba this house has nice furniture... gov't person or museum?
Terran: It's from the late 50s
Terran: Looking out the window there's a drainage basin kind of like what ranchers use to catch rain water for cattle
Terran: There's a rotating fog in the middle of this basin (which has no standing water)
Terran: Portal?