Met someone yesterday who said his dad has complete prior-life memories of being JFK. He said his dad was born 1 month after the shooting and to the very minute of the shot in Dallas.
— Terran (@TerranCognito) February 13, 2025
Having total recall of a prior life while being human on Earth is rare, but this man…
Met someone yesterday who said his dad has complete prior-life memories of being JFK. He said his dad was born 1 month after the shooting and to the very minute of the shot in Dallas. Having total recall of a prior life while being human on Earth is rare, but this man remembers everything according to his son. He remembered his tryst with Marilyn Monroe, his own battle with back pain. Then he said something that truly surprised me. "My dad says JFK got shot because he wanted to decriminalize hemp." He said JFK wanted everyone to have access to CBD and THC for its therapeutic effects to ease pain and promote healing. Now that's a conspiracy theory I have NOT heard before. The son said the Federal Reserve, JFK's desire to abolish the CIA, also played a role, but according this young man it was hemp that did him in. So are we going to learn that Big Pharma was behind the JFK shooting? Before COVID that would seem absurd, but now, based on the CIA involvement with Fauci, maybe it's not so far fetched???
PS: And oh guess what else happened? A cigar ship shined a light on the car while I was driving. The young man was so excited at seeing it! I couldn't look for it because it was rainy and foggy and I promised his grandfather I'd get him home safely. His grandfather canceled 5 rides until he saw my profile and decided I was the one to drive his grandson.
The Grandfather looked like the professor from back to the future. Wore a synthetic fur jacket that I haven't seen since the 1970s. The grandson said "I hate to say this but grandpa did a huge amount of drugs in the 1970s". I said "I gathered that much from seeing him!" The grandfather had so much love from the grandson it felt an honor to drive him home.