
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

I am home

I was released from the hospital Saturday afternoon.  Feeling much better.  I went to a smaller hospital, which had a really good crew.   The staff seemed to like working there. 

There's one outpatient test that I may do yet, that will at least rule out one possible cause of this issue I have been dealing with since 2022.  

PS: I was told by the doctor on the way out of the hospital to stop use of  insulin. My blood sugar is now stable.  I didn't take a lot of insulin, just a pen dose once a night.   In 2022 high blood sugar sent me to the hospital, and the nurses told me then they were seeing diabetes emerging among people who had COVID 19.  I came down with COVID before it had a name.  Felt like a very bad flu, that lingered with fatigue for months.  The blood sugar issue seems to be healed.   I didn't expect the blood sugar news, but it's welcome and one less expense.  They told me to continue to monitor it. 

Thank you all for your kind messages!

I love you all! 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Connection is protection

March 3, 2025

Communication is key to the healthy functioning of complex systems.   There are many forms of communication, verbal, tonal (music and word emotion), chemical communication such as hormones, ion exchange of nerve fibers, and pheromones being a short list of common ones.

Much has been made of AI recently as it’s a powerful technology, but it’s actually an analog computing model emulated in a digital environment.  Analog computers existed before ENIAC and subsequent digital computers which IBM dominated for decades, then Intel and recently Apple. Analog computers were crude AI, but worked great for solving process problems like refining oil or chemical engineering.  Early echo cancelation on ATT long distance telephone lines used a one neuron AI. 

Analog computers fell out of favor until neuro research matured and researchers began to figure out the mechanics of a brain and how it worked and it was mostly about a vast interconnected network of connections to other nerve cells. The magic sauce was the connection and how the brain cell weighted the connections from other nerves.  Early neural nets were circuit boards with op amps. These were arranged in layers from back to front and interconnected.  One early researcher created a circuit to recognize text (OCR) and it was good at it. Further experiments created a circuit that could disambiguate words that were similar in sound or spelling.  Then one day a researcher decided to see what happened if he took some wire clippers and cut some of the wires.  What he got was a model of dyslexia. 

Modern AI use different functions for different AI functionality, this and the weighting of the inputs is what they mean when they say “algorithms” but it’s not like a digital computer software, you can’t go to a single location for a single piece of data. It’s spread over the entire network kind of like a hologram. They’re not easy to debug. It’s usually retrained on new inputs.

I lived in England from 1988-1990.  I was watching a TV discussion about the bureaucratic abuse of security classifications to hide mistake.  One of the panelists made the comment “Our enemies already know our secrets, the classification is done so the citizens don’t know.”   That always stuck with me, and D.O.G.E.  has certainly proved the truth of that in recent weeks with the US Government.  Much corruption,fraud and fuckery has been hidden under classification and bureaucratic obfuscation.  And nothing works as it should.

When a persons brain is compartmentalized, we call that a dissociated personality.  Corporations and governments are just collections of people.  They can become disassociated too. 

People are meant to communicate across all notions of synthetic persona (corporations). It makes it hard to hide fraud and crime in general. Decades ago department heads had secretaries and women are natural communicators.  Now we have email and word processing software.  AI has the potential to make it worse. Our corporations are more unethical than ever.  Human onnections were cut.  

Security classifications do much the same. After Roswell (perhaps before - my father was a P38 pilot and witnessed UFOs over Germany) the military realized they had an issue for which they had no easy answer and no nuke was going to fix it. Hostile ETs (and friendly ones) were a fact.  So they did the only thing they could given the choices the President made.  They created deep dark well of black projects in the hope they would learn more and have some sort of way to deal with it all later.  And now those 60+ years of secrecy evolved into two branches, mainstream military physics. And it’s been hugely expensive in money and lives.  They are at a quandary just telling what they really know. 

Tech not released is such a huge colloidal waste of money.  

Elon Musk purports disbelief in ETs being present now.  But I suspect he’s in an awkward spot in that his security oaths pretty much require him to deny such knowledge.   Or maybe he really is outside the loop.  But a zero point energy device would sure be a great feature for a Tesla!

We don’t have healthy people, families, relationships, corporations or government and that has to change.  

I’m not a California Liberal but I don’t hate them either. We all want a life that’s not sucking us dry of money, privacy or freedom.  We need to focus on the commonality, at least with those open reason and who have open hearts.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Located a human form of mine in stasis

Terran note:
This came in as a flood of images.  The form in a stasis chamber looks like Nabrac, I don't know if it was the physical form for him (he doesn't currently have a physical human form).   I have used the look of that form many, many, times over the eons. 

Terran: Dear Stan X, I just got a visual of a stasis form of mine being found in this solar system in the last 5 days. Looks similar to Nabrac. Do you have any data on this?

Terran: The container was found inside a location with dark clay or dirt. Pottery clay? Live soil? I don’t know. The pod is innocuous not impressive similar construction to modern shipping containers but human sized. Location possibly Ganymede or Europa.

Terran: The form is still in stasis and not active


Terran: This time stuff sometimes gives me a headache

Denice: 🤣

Thursday, February 13, 2025

USAID paid Reuters News to deceive Americans


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Did JFK get killed for wanting to legalize hemp?


Met someone yesterday who said his dad has complete prior-life memories of being JFK. He said his dad was born 1 month after the shooting and to the very minute of the shot in Dallas. Having total recall of a prior life while being human on Earth is rare, but this man remembers everything according to his son. He remembered his tryst with Marilyn Monroe, his own battle with back pain. Then he said something that truly surprised me. "My dad says JFK got shot because he wanted to decriminalize hemp." He said JFK wanted everyone to have access to CBD and THC for its therapeutic effects to ease pain and promote healing. Now that's a conspiracy theory I have NOT heard before. The son said the Federal Reserve, JFK's desire to abolish the CIA, also played a role, but according this young man it was hemp that did him in. So are we going to learn that Big Pharma was behind the JFK shooting? Before COVID that would seem absurd, but now, based on the CIA involvement with Fauci, maybe it's not so far fetched???

PS: And oh guess what else happened? A cigar ship shined a light on the car while I was driving. The young man was so excited at seeing it! I couldn't look for it because it was rainy and foggy and I promised his grandfather I'd get him home safely. His grandfather canceled 5 rides until he saw my profile and decided I was the one to drive his grandson.  

The Grandfather looked like the professor from back to the future. Wore a synthetic fur jacket that I haven't seen since the 1970s. The grandson said "I hate to say this but grandpa did a huge amount of drugs in the 1970s". I said "I gathered that much from seeing him!" The grandfather had so much love from the grandson it felt an honor to drive him home.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

How to relax your Vagus nerve

The Vagus nerve is one of the largest in the human body.  It runs the length of the human torso and affects many internal organs.  The vagus is said to strongly affected by the energies coming in at this time so I thought I'd share this quick little video.  

Thursday, February 6, 2025

A message from your future self


Heather forwarded this to Denice and me.  I just happened to be watching Groundhog Day.  Quite the timing!   It applies to everyone!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Anunnaki and Atlantis Time Sequence?

Dear Stan, in relationship to Atlantis 2, were the Anunnaki concurrent with Atlantis 2 or subsequent to its sinking? Is it known (in rough estimate) their approximate linear time as we’d think of it when they came to Mesopotamia?


Terran note:  Linear time as we know it, came into existence shortly before the Jesus timeline.  Our time is a human thought form construct applicable only to Earth and its matrix. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Update 1: Some Basics for the New Readers

I've noticed I am getting a whole new set of readers coming in from X, now that the censoring is off.  This blog has been going on since 2012 (I changed the name of it in 2016).  Most of the readers are fairly long term visitors to the blog but there is a whole new group coming in awakening from the experiences with COVID, the Biden administration, recently UFO/UAP activity and the general feeling that we are going somewhere new as humanity.

I thought I'd start with some basics, as best I understand them.  These didn't come as a sudden revelation to me, they began in the mid 1990s but I didn't have answers to a lot of things. These are my views, they are not necessarily Heather's, or anyone else's.  I speak for me only.  So you use your discernment, use what is helpful, discard what is not.  I don't want to be your cult leader or guru, it's enough to be responsible for myself, I don't want a huge crowd of people hanging on to my every word. 

In short I  sometimes fuck up, but I am generally pretty open about it when I do and self correct.  I have a high embarrassment threshold.   If you throw scripture at me I will ignore you.  I grew up in that milieu and have seen church wars of the silliest things. So yeah, this human incarnation/avatar is fallible.  But I do my best.

I'm going to paste some words from a friend the late Henry Hasse, a kinder soul few could encounter.  His words mirror my words but I give him credit here:

Before we proceed any further, you should know five things from the start:

1) Since this is a blog, I do not feel the need to document references to source material. A little research of your own will uncover them soon enough. 
2) I view the Old Testament and New Testament scriptures as interesting literature only, and certainly not as “holy” and “infallible” words “inspired” by God. You can find explanations for that based on scholarly work and archeology. In other words, I no longer idolize the Christian Bible for the reasons given. 
3) I do not idolize the authority of the Church or its doctrines which have been designed to control people religiously and politically over the centuries. 
4) I am not an Atheist by any stretch. The creation around us, life itself, and the wonders of the human body are proof enough for me that a Higher Existence is responsible for the same. 
5) Finally, my acknowledgement of #4 is evidence that a consciousness of this Higher Existence resides within me as it does in all mankind, patiently waiting to be discovered and put to good use among humans. That it still remains hidden or undiscovered in so much of humanity indicates that it is above all else not a controlling influence and that freedom is its primary value and goal for all of humanity. It can be better defined as unconditional love.

The Cosmos

The Multiverse had a beginning but it's far "older" than you know.  But old is meaningless in the Eternal now. Everything is happening simultaneously.  On Earth that's really hard to wrap your head around.  That's okay, put it on the shelf, it will make sense soon enough.  I will lapse here and there into language that is time linear, for lack of suitable vocabulary.   There were at least 4 advanced civilizations on Earth before the current one, and some of the were spacefaring and colonizing.

I have found that whenever I gag on information, I just put it on the shelf, and let it ripen a bit. Like cheese it gets better with a dash of pondering. So don't sweat the everything is happening at once and that future you is informing past you.   I am not always the fastest learner either.

Science believes the cosmos has a refresh cycle (or in computer geek talk - clock speed) of 22 trillion times a second.  They might be right.  But if you blink you'll miss it.  My watch doesn't go that fast, but what it's made of does.  Some say the pixel size of this illusion of light is the Planck constant, at least in this part of the galaxy.  And yes it's a hologram in the purest sense of the word, the information contained in it, is in all of it. But its got layers to it too.

The All and Creation

The ALL, expands though growing self complexity. A bit like the wrinkles on your brain.  Essences (Souls) expand as well with experience.  I am avoiding terms like oversoul, etc, but you are not the only "you" out there.   The more lives you have had in the physical realms the more inbodyments will be out there on Earth and elsewhere, operating in independence, with their own memory pool of experiences but they can draw on greater whole of the Essence or even Source itself.  

Within the ALL, are bands of sentient frequencies.  Some frequencies are not found among inbodyments, it's not known why but perhaps they are reserved for later distribution.  The multiverse is music.  Solfeggio tones.  The Creator of ALL, delegated bits of itself to different parts of its creation expansion.  Some was directly created, some was bred, some was engineered, some of it evolved to fit a habitat.  The methods vary, but in the end it was the Creator of ALL behind it.  It is aware of everything, the good, the bad and the ugly and loves it all because it loves itself.  Freedom of choice is what gives Source such a rich pool of novelty.   That's not to say certain choices don't have energetic consequences for the one generating them, it does.  What once was a generational delay, called karma, is now instant. Also compartmentalizing good people to do bad things no long protects the one who created destructive plans. 

Source/The ALL doesn't need your worship, nor want it, there's no need to worship what is already inside you. Any being showing up claiming to be your "god" is by definition not the Creator of ALL.  They are just some energy vampires wanting your attention or power over you.  Humanity has been around a very long time, and the Anunaki did not create humanity.  Humans are all over the galaxy.  No "whistle blowers" ever seem to mention that, which means they are there to create fear and xenophobia for control purposes. 

The first to start playing with matter (or as Clif calls it the matterium)  where eleven primary frequencies.  You can think of these as notes in different octaves on the solfeggio scale.  The galactics refer to this as the first wave of creation.  One of these eleven chose to play a dark role from the beginning smashing up creations of others as they made them.  It's said this darkness came from jealousy, but its been so long ago probably nobody knows exactly why.  The darkness when right to the beginning, and created what is called "The What If?" experiment, for that one believed he could create with low frequencies other than pure love.  That notion had to run its course to exhaustion.  Which it has, and the being who took on that role has been reconciled to Source.   Some of his former minions are still out there, but they're being rounded up one by one.  What becomes of them is up to Source, I am not the judge of that. 

There were also mix of another 100 Essence frequencies that began playing in matter later.  This was known as the 2nd wave of creation.  Some of the beings that the myths of old on Earth  call 'gods', come from the 2nd wave of creation.  Some were the reckless teenagers of creation.  Others were very thought full and inventive.  Think of these as chords of frequencies, attributes of whatever mix solfeggio base tones they are.   I'm not a musician so I won't go deeper into that.  But they were all from the Eternal now.  They always existed, none are higher in Source than another,  but not all came out to play at once.  The 2nd wave got so busy they forgot there was a first wave of beings watching it all.   We are approaching the moment of the 3rd wave of creation and what exactly that looks like is not known but all of creation experiences the result.  It begins on Earth, as Earth is the primal point of creation and everything is energetically entangled with Earth.  Earth began as a realm, called the original garden, but it wasn't so much a planet.  The planet part came later and came to subsume the original garden, the Earth is constantly growing.  The original garden exists in various verdant areas of the planet like the Alps, Hawaii, Polynesia, New Zealand etc.   Abundance plant and animal life is typical of the fragments of that realm.

The first experiences were playful, formless joy moving and whisking about like gaseous comets building shapes from light itself.  Not so different from early CAD design software and shapes but more immediate and interactive.  It was found that with some magnetics, love, geometry, etc.  all kinds of wonderful creations could be made in the ultimate play dough, the unpotentiated void which reacted to the creative impulse of consciousness is readily.  The fun enjoyed in these endeavors took a while to catch on, as in the spectators saying "I don't see the point of it all really..." but it was fun creating worlds, stars and crude life and even more complexity could be brought forward.  Eventually it became beautiful and compelling in the variety of creations and life.  And they got really good at it.  

The Matterium

The next desire for these instances of Source sententience, was to experience it all from the perspective of the physical.   They could build a wall but not know how a wall felt like.   There was a need for vehicles for essences (what some call souls) that was physical but could latch onto an essence for at limited duration.   Efforts were made in various life forms, each in its own unique location and conditions. It was possible then to experience how the physical realms feel.  But another conundrum reared its head for once one is in form, there is a sense of being separated.  But once into the illusion of the matterium (which is a hologram of various energies and information) the separation felt a lot more real. 

They had their memories so they knew the truth of their situation regardless what happened to their form in physicality.  T Rex steps on you, no problem come back later.   They created all kinds of forms of being to experience some human some not, including giants to move really big things around.  Before Earth the choice to experience other situations after leaving form here and being born elsewhere or going back to body in stasis aboard a galactic space ship was completely the choice of the Essence. 

My point here that contrary to what government and the church has told you, your body is essentially a vehicle with a brain that can filter the sensory inputs down to what is perceived in a physical world.  You actually perceive more as a young child until your parents tell you what you are seeing isn't real, and of course the filter that the brain is begins filter out "what is not real".   This is the very reasons governments spend so much money on propaganda, "education", revisionist history, and 3 letter agencies. 

Your ESSENCE (or soul), is of Source, it cannot be destroyed.  Not in Dante's hellish imagination or in the best fire and brimstone preacher's sermon.   Fear is the tool of the professional intermediary, whose grift is to convince you that you need them.  Because God really hates your weaknesses, even while saying he's the perfect creator!  Government pretty much does the same thing as no government is needed if people aren't invading and shooting each other.   But humanity is not quite there yet, but it will be some day.

Your body loves you.  If you show love to your body no matter the condition it's in or whether it's pretty or not, it will serve you well like a loyal puppy dog. 

If you got a lot of programming looping round your head about some parts of your body being evil, it can manifest itself as various illnesses in the body.  Religion is very good at that, because most of its sins involve sex it seems, and reproduction is hardwired into the body.   When one dies there are certain regrets that fade away instantly with the body.  They seem to be stored in the body, rather than the essence.  Since the 1980s there have been an enormous amount of people surviving dying and coming back.  

1/28/2025 TO be continued.....  and probably edited a lot!  This will be a continuing work for a few days....

Friday, January 17, 2025

Dr Salla interviews George Kavassilas about the Return of 3 Navy SSP Admirals


This has some interesting information in it.  George Kavassilas has been around many years but his information never highlighted itself to me until now.   I do like the energy of George.  And I completely understand his "mulling moments" in his presentation when he checks himself with the thought, "are they ready for what I know?"   You can see it in his face when he smiles after trying to find the right words. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Chinese Drones?

Drone in image of unknown origin

Terran: Dear Stan X, does “China” or some version of a Chinese Deep State, have gravitic drive drones? Are they really launched from a sea going vessel? Or is that all diversion?


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Local or Non-Local UAP/UFO over Los Angeles?


This was posted to X, footage from above Los Angeles.  It's very telling since these are obviously not from off world. This design is terrestrial. Nonlocal craft don't have propellors, or noticeable spinning vortices. 

I'm not saying these were involved in the fires, I simply don't know about that.  Could be evacuations of equipment.  We exposed the underwater base in Malibu in 2013, but these are a far different type of vehicle.  

Terran: Is this a local contraption?


These could be V22 Osprey military craft, but the rotors are usually forward and not upwards when moving forward. also  Lockheed has no known involvement in Osprey production.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

What's in Greenland?

This Greenland thing has taken me by surprise as I don't know much about it.  So I thought I'd ask!  I think I just opened another rabbit hole...

Terran: Thor, what’s in Greenland?


Terran: Everything as in resources or everything as in tech?


Terran: Are you in Greenland?


In a separate chat where I shared most of the above... 

Terran to HATJ: It’s like an everything bagel

HATJ: THE "word" in The Flow, and that BZ and Shawn and I have declared repeatedly:


HATJ: So I had to smile when you sent that over 😁❤️

Terran: Can I share that?

HATJ: Like the time I played the song international love (pitbull) on loop for three months straight.  Hadn’t talked to you in months, and then you posted a convo with Adrian where he stated “love is apparently international”.

HATJ: I got the dry humor and his beautiful smirk love on that one 😁

Terran: Can I share that?

HATJ: Sure.  But do you have the context?

Terran: Not completely

HATJ: Transparency exists when complete context is present. IMHO

Terran: Do you care to transparency me? 

HATJ: Do as you feel.

HATJ: For tonight you can just post Adrian’s and mine.  Everyone already has complete context within them


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Juggling Orbs

Sorry for my absence and lack of clever things to say.  When things are confusing and changing hourly just keeping one's mouth shut can be an advantage. 

As to drones, UAPs, ET drones, etc.... it's gonna take weeks to sort out what we just witnessed.  Lots of people will stake the reputations on their explanation and then we will never hear from them again.  Too many ops in motion at once and a wonder to observe it all.  IMO it's too late for Blue Beam. 

H. made a brief remark about plasma orbs being conscious beings returning to the planet.  Lisa Harrison said much the same on Telegram.  Which I found really interesting as to my knowledge they are not directly working with each other, at least as most people would define "direct".   

Perhaps it's those plasmodic orbs that drew out all the tech hidden behind closed doors.  Whether that was an attempt to figure it out, or obscure it I don't know.   Your guess is as good as mine!   My oxygen deprived opinions probably aren't worth much.  And there were ET orbs zooming about trying to figure out what all the activity down below was all about.   That's just what they do.