Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Chat with Loie 4/22/2019
Loie 4/22/2019
Terran: Chat with Loie?
Denice: Go for it :)
Denice: Feeling her frequencies now :)
Terran: Hi Loie!
Loie: Bill dear! Feel me? Loie.
Terran: Not yet
Loie: Here we go. Boosting, Dear! Loie.
Terran: I feel you now
Loie: Wonderul! Ready for a frequency, Dear? Loie.
Terran: Absolutely
Loie: Here you go. Feel this one in your heart, Love. Loie.
Terran: Is this a personal frequency or one to resend to ALL?
Loie: As you feel to do, Bill. Always. Loie.
Loie: There are so many possibilities flowing now.
Terran: I see a lot of women marching in beach wear feels kind of like a demonstration but low key
Terran: They are holding these plastic sticks red, orange, yellow with either clear plastic flowers on the end or candy flowers
Terran: The flowers are cherry red
Terran: There is a golf cart with a top that is a large [fiberglass] sombrero
Terran: Women are college age. This looks like it’s in Baja California medium size galactic ships hovering over the gulf of California. 5-6 of them. Mountains are rocky not much greenery.
Loie: Ready for another, dear? A range to be exact. Loie.
Terran: Ready for frequency
Loie: Sending now, Dear. Boosting and Amplifying. These you may enjoy! Loie.
Terran: Feeling for them. Can you boost?
Loie: Boosting now, Dear! Loie.
Terran: Can you boost again? Subtle frequencies?
Loie: Boosting, Dear. And amplifying. Feel these in your heart first. Ready? Loie.
Terran: Ready. I’m seeing them come from you (which is new) and they are iridescent colors
Loie: Yes, Love! Flowing now. Loie.
Terran: Feels like a summer outing by a river
Terran: That feel of being in water and summer
Terran: If that makes sense?
Terran: It’s a happy relaxed feeling
Loie: Yes, Dear. Feel it swell within you and share if you desire. All flows now. Loie.
Terran: Simple and nuanced
Loie: Perfect, Bill. Remember I am with you always. Loie.
Terran: Amplifying and resending
Terran: Thank you Loie!
Terran: Many people are feeling like something big is about to happen
Loie: Bill. All is possible. Now and Always. Loie.