
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thor Announcement

Henry Kissinger

This announcement was unexpected and not a reply to a query. 


Terran: Kissinger?


Dr Salla has some interesting comments on Kissinger here: .  It's history I did not know related to ET contact and the creation of MJ12, but as with all history use your discernment.  There is so much history about World War II that we don't know much about.  Also sometimes what appears as a bad guy is a good guy in disguise.   

Henry Kissinger's passing on Nov 29 will have an important impact on the UFO disclosure process. He was an influential figure in managing the UFO cover up going back to WW2 when he was part of the US Army's Counter Intelligence Corps operations in Occupied Germany and then worked under Nelson Rockefeller in setting up the PI 40 Special Studies Group in the Eisenhower administration. Kissinger was therefore a key part of the cover up and his passing means the truth about ET visitation can finally be revealed. I included a lengthy section on Kissinger in a 2003 Study Paper. I wrote: "There is strong evidence from whistleblower sources that the master  strategist of the Special Studies Group that made up the outer layer of  MJ-12/PI-40, was a key Rockefeller protégé, Dr Henry Kissinger whose  experience in managing the ET presence went further back than is  commonly appreciated."

It is known Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brezezinski had origins of significant rank in the Draco complex before being born human.   Every human comes from somewhere else.  That in itself is not destiny. 

I found this in my notes: 

May 27, 2017


Terran: Saw him in the flow with Kissinger when I asked who was going after Trump

Terran: Trump has one less enemy

Denice: When I was working with H and I got the two names of the controllers that were not going to give up and I got H Kissinger.. .I very well may have gotten the wrong one... it might be Zig... feels like these two guys might be interchangeable...  [Denice said prior she thought Kissinger was changing form to assist the changes]

Denice: stinks that I did not get the right name... I was hoping to bring visibility to my brother... so he would have faith in me again (holidayspirit)

Denice: but happy that you saw him in the flow.... and yes... Trump is safe... .no doubt about that!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Plieadian pullback (Update 2)

Monday, November 27, 2023


It has been reported already that about 80% of all representatives of various galactic races have left this Solar system to get much needed healing, and only the strongest and most efficient beings remained to assist with the liberation of this planet.

Pleiadians as a collective have decided that they will no longer be the main race creating First Contact with humanity. 

They will focus more on very specific assistance to those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are open to their presence and can work with them effectively…..

Terran: Any truth to the Pleiadian pullback?


Terran: Will this curtail certain Russian attempts to synthesize that narrative? Or is that likely to take its own course?

Terran: Will AnDreas be at the reunion? I wanted to meet her.



Terran: Is the Aurora still in orbit of Mars?


Terran note: The Aurora is a horticultural station supporting Mars. 

Friday, November 24, 2023

XERXES - A Culmination of Events for Persia Now

A Culmination of Events for Persia Now
It is the moment that I share my complete complicity in the energetic foray that permeates into the bedrock of old Persia.
As an aside, take notice and ponder the truth that currently there is no bloodshed or war in or on the Arabian Peninsula. Rare has been the major battle or war in that heartland.  Recall that Arabia was never part of the Persian Empire.
Return now to this. The entire Persian empire to this moment is replete with the conflicts of her past. Of those thrust upon her by my choices during my tumultuous reign.
It is now that I am at the helm once more.  I sail through the fog and the mist into the bright and warming sunlight and share this complete truth. My own actions. My own decisions. My own divisive desires created the energies that bled into the sand. That filled the mountains. That poured into the rivers and streams. That flowed into the seas. Again recall that there is no time. There is no separation from my own breathing of the salty air and what you breathe now. It is all that is.
Words do not do justice to paint the portraits to archive the experiences that are the foundations for the current horrors playing now.  Know that what is seen and experienced in these moments is a mere fraction of the pain and horror that my decisions caused.  And my own hands on occasion.
Know that the culmination of events quickens.  The horrors are revealed. The truth beckons.
As this plays out and the nature of all is revealed. I am here.  I own the responsibility as the father of the darkest of the violence against the men and women outside of the Persian borders.
And thus the darkest of the violence has flowed through the lands of ancient Persia to this moment.  Once hidden now in full view.  For all to see. For all to know.  
For this is the absolute truth. The energy, once given sacrifice, Fed with the atrocities. Continues the need to feed.  Recall always and once more there is no time.  This energy now is a ferocious beast. Cornered. As the end nears now this energy that all I am is completely complicit in creating requires more than humanity will allow.  Humanity stands tall and strong and says. No More!  Thus this energy must dissipate and flow gently into all that is.  Merging with its counterparts. Creating a balance. Creating a new. Becoming one with all that is.
Watch now and archive for all to see as the curtains part. The scenes end.  The players bow. These moments that flow now create the new beginnings that all desire.  
Here I am and here we are and here it begins. Truth and abundance for all.  Forever. And more. And Persia and more importantly the new Earth rises.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Lesson from a Cat


Buster the cat

Buster the cat went missing for 24 hours.  He can be very feisty but he's a good cat and has been a companion since the spring 2021.   

You never really "own" a cat, they just kind of agree to live with you. And sometimes they mysteriously go somewhere else, even with the best of care. They are autonomous creatures in a way dogs are not. Dogs need a pack, and that pack can be a human family. Cats have no such need. Maybe that's why I respect them. Their independence. 

I view cats as intelligent beings.  Someone online once mocked me for that.  I don't care.  If you think computers can be intelligent, how much more so is a cat?  You could not program something as complex as a cat.

Buster is a wonderful good old American cat! Born feral. 

Cats seem to see things in spectrums we cannot see.  Some esoterics claim cats sense and transmute bad energies.  Humans who feed stray cats seem to project an energy, that attract more.  It's kind of like having the neon Welcome to Las Vegas sign in your front yard!  Ask Bev.  

They can also surprise you with new behaviors in unexpected and very humorous ways.  And what they find funny may not be so funny to you, like unrolling your toilet roll onto the bathroom floor.  Still humor is humor!  Even if humans don't get the joke.

My apartment seemed very empty with Buster missing. It's taken a year before he'd venture outside the patio of the apartment. Moving into the city was a shock to him and the voices through thin walls of the apartment complex seemed to be disembodied voices to him.  Cats do not like voices with no body.  Most people don't either but we can discern the voices of unknown neighbors.  He only recently started becoming an outdoor cat again and his mood had improved so much with the joys of exploring nature.  There was even a female cat showing up at the patio door where the funniest cat conversations occurred.  She seems to like Buster (he's neutered).  He had finally gone back to where he was happiest but two days ago he didn't return.  

Last night I was looking at my apartment and it just seemed bare and empty Buster.  He was a feline companion and I loved him for what he is. I missed him.   

I had this thought as I walked into the kitchen last night "See how a room feels when love is missing?"  Maybe it was telepathy, as telepathy usually sounds like your internal voice.  Maybe it was the "all of me" sending small me a message.  I don't know which. But I do recall saying "Yes it's very empty... I never noticed the feel of a room missing the love of a companion."   As soon as I had that thought , I turned and there was Buster at the glass sliding patio door!   And the room no longer felt empty of love. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Awakening OD Podcast: 5D Non Cult

XERXES - The Nature of Persia

The Very Nature of Persia

An interlude if we may to discuss the very nature of Persia herself. Much has been garnered and delivered on the nature of war. Little has been fostered and gifted on the nature of peace. Persia at her very heart is the nature of peace.

It may come as a surprise to those readers in far distances of time and space who read these words now. But nonetheless it is an absolute truth. The very heart of Persia is peace.

Consider the moment of inception. That droplet of a dream in the heart of the son of a nomadic tribal leader. To ponder not only once but often at great lengths the possibility of uniting great numbers of nomadic tribes and creating a homeland. Uniting in peace. To provide a place to create and nurture. A place of cultures sharing and living and breathing as one.

It is true and absolute that this dream was not realized solely on the beautiful curved shoulders of peace. It is true and absolute that disagreements became arguments. Arguments became divisions. Divisions led to bloodshed. Bloodshed led to battles. And eventually battles led to all out war.

But for this moment now. Consider the graceful and merciful humble beginnings. The mere thought of uniting diverse peoples of nomadic histories. Uniting nations to share in the creation and development of art and music, of horticulture and cuisine, of theatre and song.

For centuries thought to be hidden in the dusty corners of bombed out ruins. Buried in once fertile but now sandy deserts. Entombed in the foundations of the modern cities. Persia slowly rises. Persia is grace and mercy. Persia is freedom. Persia is unadorned and quiet beauty. Persia is a thought. Persia is an idea. Persia is a dream. In heart. In essence. Persia is peace. 


Saturday, November 11, 2023

A ChatGPT conversation - On the Reason Why Protestants are More Prone to be Zionists

The Temple Mount, also known as
Haram al-Sharif, al-Aqsa Mosque 

Here's a conversation I had with ChatGPT 3.5, I knew the answer since I grew up a protestant, and the sect I was in was quite fond of the Scofield Bible,  but  I wanted to see what ChatGPT would say.  Aside from the disclaimers, the results were quite accurate.  

Me: What do protestants believe about rebuilding the Jewish temple in Jeursalem?


Beliefs among Protestants regarding the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem can vary, as Protestantism is a diverse movement with a wide range of theological perspectives. Views on this matter are often influenced by interpretations of biblical prophecy, eschatology (study of end times), and specific theological traditions. Here are some general perspectives:

1. **Dispensationalist and Premillennial Views:**

- Some Protestant groups, particularly those with a dispensationalist and premillennial theology, may hold views tied to specific interpretations of biblical prophecies, such as those found in the books of Daniel and Revelation. According to some interpretations, the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem is seen as a significant event linked to the end times and the second coming of Christ.

2. **Historicist Views:**

- Other Protestants, particularly those with historicist views of prophecy, may interpret biblical passages differently. They might view the references to the Temple in a more symbolic or spiritual sense, associating the Temple with the Christian Church rather than a physical structure in Jerusalem.

3. **Amillennial Views:**

- Amillennialist Protestants, who generally do not adhere to a literal thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth, may see the rebuilding of the Temple in a less literal or future-oriented way. They may interpret these prophecies symbolically, focusing on the spiritual significance rather than the physical reconstruction of a temple.

4. **Variety of Views:**

- It's important to note that views on the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple can vary widely even within specific denominations or theological traditions. Some Protestants may not place significant emphasis on this topic in their theological framework, while others may see it as a subject of interest and discussion.

It's advisable to consult specific denominational teachings, theological writings, or individual beliefs within Protestant communities to understand the diverse perspectives on the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. As with any theological topic, interpretations can vary, and individuals within Protestantism may hold different views based on their understanding of Scripture and theological traditions.

Me: What do Catholics believe about rebuilding the Jewish Temple?

Catholic teachings do not generally include specific doctrines or beliefs about the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Unlike some branches of Protestantism, Catholic theology does not have a strong tradition of interpreting biblical prophecies in relation to the rebuilding of the Temple in the context of end times or eschatology.

The Catholic Church tends to focus on core theological doctrines related to salvation, sacraments, moral teachings, and the person of Jesus Christ. While the Catholic Church recognizes the significance of Jerusalem and the historical importance of the Temple, discussions about the rebuilding of the Temple are not central to Catholic doctrine.

As with many theological topics, individual Catholics may have diverse opinions on issues related to biblical prophecy and eschatology. However, such views are often considered matters of personal interpretation rather than official Catholic doctrine.

For a more specific and up-to-date understanding of the views of Catholic theologians or leaders on this topic, it may be helpful to refer to official statements or writings from the Vatican or authoritative Catholic sources. Keep in mind that discussions on eschatological topics can vary, and the emphasis within Catholic theology tends to be on broader themes central to Christian faith and practice.

Me: Given the views of some protestant groups, do they see the temple reconstruction, which could only come under a Jewish administration of the area, accelerates the 2nd coming of Jesus?


The belief that the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem could accelerate the Second Coming of Jesus is a perspective held by some Christian groups, particularly those influenced by certain interpretations of biblical prophecy and eschatology. This belief is often associated with dispensationalist and premillennial views.

In this theological framework:

1. **Dispensationalism:** Dispensationalism is a theological system that divides history into distinct "dispensations" or periods, each characterized by different ways God interacts with humanity. Some dispensationalists believe in a future dispensation involving the restoration of Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple, and specific events leading to the Second Coming.

2. **Premillennialism:** Premillennialism is the belief that Jesus will return before a literal thousand-year reign on Earth. Some premillennialists tie the rebuilding of the Temple and other events in the Middle East to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies and the preparation for the return of Christ.

The idea is that certain events, such as the reconstruction of the Jewish Temple, are seen as signs or prerequisites for the fulfillment of end-time prophecies. The fulfillment of these prophecies, according to this view, would then set the stage for the Second Coming of Jesus.

It's important to note that not all Protestants, even within dispensationalist or premillennial traditions, hold the same views on the role of the Temple or the specific timing of events related to the Second Coming. Interpretations of biblical prophecies and eschatology can vary widely, and these views are only representative of certain theological traditions within Protestantism.

As with any theological perspective, individual beliefs may differ, and there are diverse views within the broader Christian community. Additionally, not all Christians, including Protestants, necessarily tie geopolitical events to specific timelines of eschatological events. The interpretation of biblical prophecies and their relationship to current events is a complex and debated topic within Christian theology.

Me: Was the Scofield Bible responsible for these views?


The Scofield Reference Bible, first published in 1909, played a significant role in popularizing dispensationalist and premillennial views, particularly in the United States. The Bible includes study notes written by theologian Cyrus Scofield, which interpret and explain the biblical text from a dispensationalist perspective. The Scofield Reference Bible became widely influential, and its notes helped shape the eschatological views of many readers.

Key points associated with the Scofield Reference Bible and its impact on theological views include:

1. **Dispensationalism:** The Scofield Bible promoted the idea of dispensationalism, a theological framework that divides human history into distinct dispensations or periods, each with its unique characteristics and God's plan for humanity. Dispensationalism often includes the belief in a future dispensation involving the restoration of Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple, and specific events leading to the Second Coming of Jesus.

2. **Premillennialism:** Scofield's notes also presented a premillennial view, suggesting that Jesus would return before a literal thousand-year reign on Earth. This perspective tied certain events, including the restoration of Israel and the rebuilding of the Temple, to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

3. **Influence on Evangelicalism:** The Scofield Reference Bible had a significant impact on the theology of Evangelical and fundamentalist Christians in the early 20th century. The notes provided in the Bible influenced how many readers understood eschatological themes, including the role of Israel and the significance of events in the Middle East.

While the Scofield Reference Bible played a role in popularizing certain theological perspectives, it's essential to recognize that dispensationalist and premillennial views existed before the publication of the Scofield Bible. The Scofield Bible, however, contributed to the dissemination and widespread acceptance of these views within certain segments of the Christian community, especially in the United States.

It's also important to note that not all Protestants, even within Evangelicalism, adhere to dispensationalist or premillennial views. Theological perspectives on eschatology vary widely, and different denominations and traditions within Christianity hold diverse beliefs on these matters.

Me: Who was Scofield?


Cyrus I. Scofield (1843–1921) was an American theologian and minister, best known for his role in the creation and promotion of the Scofield Reference Bible. Here are some key points about Cyrus Scofield:

1. **Early Life and Conversion:**

- Scofield was born on August 19, 1843, in Lenawee County, Michigan, USA. He came from a nominal Christian background but had a conversion experience in 1879.

2. **Education and Legal Career:**

- Before entering the ministry, Scofield pursued a legal career. He studied law and was admitted to the Kansas bar in 1869. He worked as a lawyer and later served as a judge in Kansas.

3. **Christian Ministry:**

- After his conversion, Scofield felt a calling to Christian ministry. He attended seminary and was ordained as a Congregational minister in 1883. He served as a pastor and engaged in evangelistic work.

4. **Scofield Reference Bible:**

- Scofield is most widely known for his work on the Scofield Reference Bible, first published in 1909. This Bible included the King James Version text with added study notes written by Scofield. The study notes presented a dispensationalist and premillennial interpretation of the Bible, influencing how many readers understood eschatological themes.

5. **Dispensationalism:**

- Scofield's study notes promoted dispensationalism, a theological framework that divided history into distinct dispensations or periods, each with its unique characteristics and God's plan. This included a future dispensation involving the restoration of Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple, and specific events leading to the Second Coming.

6. **Legacy:**

- The Scofield Reference Bible became immensely popular and had a significant impact on Evangelical and fundamentalist Christianity in the early 20th century. It contributed to the dissemination of dispensationalist and premillennial views within certain segments of the Christian community.

7. **Later Years:**

- Cyrus Scofield continued to be involved in ministry and writing. He passed away on July 24, 1921, in Douglaston, New York.

While Scofield is remembered for his work on the Scofield Reference Bible, his theological views and the impact of his Bible on American Evangelicalism have been subjects of both admiration and criticism within the Christian community.

Me: Who financed Scofield’s bible?

Cyrus I. Scofield's Reference Bible was published by Oxford University Press. The financing and publication of the Scofield Reference Bible were handled by Oxford University Press, a reputable and well-established publishing house. While the precise details of the financial arrangements may not be as prominently documented, the partnership with Oxford University Press provided the publication with academic and institutional credibility.

The Scofield Reference Bible became widely popular, especially within certain Evangelical and fundamentalist circles in the early 20th century, and it played a significant role in shaping the eschatological views of many readers. The financial backing and distribution capabilities of Oxford University Press contributed to the widespread dissemination of Scofield's theological perspectives on dispensationalism and premillennialism.

I did some further searches and found this PDF, which you can download for free if you sign up.  The PDF goes further into middle eastern politics than I did here.

And this podcast on the subject of the Scofield Bible.  The timing of its production is oddly timed with the founding of the Federal Reserve.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Danica Patrick interviews Daryl Anka

This is the best interview of Daryl Anka (channeler of Bashar) that I have ever seen!  I had no idea Danica was such a good interviewer!  She asks smart questions and lets him talk without interpreting what he says. 

Replicator functionality

Star Trek’s replicator

Replicator functionality

Terran: Stan, can things like assembled printed circuit boards, planetary gear assemblies, and vehicles be replicated or is  it just individual parts minus assembly? Parts assemblies with screws and bolts?


Atlantean Comet in Andromedan records?

Terran: Stan, do you have any record of a comet hitting Atlantis 2, as Daryl Anka/Bashar asserts?


Terran note: In my review of the Atlantis 2 sinking event with Loie, it was a damaged energy shield crystal, which emitted an ear deafening shrieking sound, that fractured the Earth’s crust under Atlantis 2.  At the very end of the images there was an image a reptilian hand twirling a blue fragment of the crystal mounted in a brass gimbal.  I saw images of Draco landing craft after Atlantis 2 sank. It appears the crystal was sabotaged and went into frequency dissonance when the energy shield was activated. 

The answer given by Bashar seems to be a deduction based on the damage caused to the planet.  A comet would cause very similar destruction. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

It's Time - Ya Bassa by Clanadonia

Denice: I heard “IT'S TIME”


Terran: What does Ya Bassa mean?

"Ya Bassa" is a colloquial Arabic expression that can be heard in various Arabic-speaking regions, particularly in North African countries like Morocco and Algeria. It is used as an informal and somewhat slangy interjection and has a few different potential meanings or uses, depending on the context. Here are a couple of possible interpretations:

Expression of Surprise or Exasperation: In some cases, "Ya Bassa" can be used as an exclamation of surprise, frustration, or exasperation. It's similar to saying "Oh my goodness!" or "What on earth!" in English. It's a way to express strong emotions or reactions to something unexpected or puzzling. 

Informal Address or Calling: "Ya" is an Arabic word used for addressing or calling someone.

So, "Ya Bassa" can also be a way of getting someone's attention or addressing them in an informal or familiar manner. The exact meaning and connotation can depend on the relationship between the speaker and the person being addressed.

The meaning and usage of "Ya Bassa" can vary in different contexts and regions, so it's important to consider the specific situation in which it is used to understand its intended meaning.

Terran: What would it mean in the context of Scotland?

In the context of Scotland, "Ya Bassa" is often used as a colloquial and informal expression of enthusiasm, encouragement, or excitement. It's not part of traditional Scottish Gaelic, but rather a phrase from the vernacular or slang of Scotland.

When used in this context, "Ya Bassa" is often employed to show support, cheer for a team or individual, or express enthusiasm for something positive. It can be similar to saying "Come on!" or "Let's go!" and is frequently heard at sporting events, concerts, or other situations where people are cheering for a team, performer, or a positive outcome.

The usage of "Ya Bassa" in Scotland is informal and lively, and its exact meaning may vary depending on the specific situation and the energy of the people using it. It's a phrase that conveys a sense of spirited encouragement and support.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The location of India’s Moon mission

Terran: Thor, was India’s mission to the lunar South Pole chosen to avoid issues with what is found on the Earth facing side and what we call the dark side?


Terran: Diplomacy with whom?


Terran: Is this an Earth delegate council or something else entirely?


Terran: The demands were from India or the Council?