
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Brief note on Andromedans


There are two groups who call themselves Andromedans.  They are not the one and the same.  I have confused them myself.  I didn't know about the Andromeda Constellation beings, but I do now. 

  1. The ones from the Andromeda Constellation as seen by Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy.   This is also the group behind the Andromeda Council.  Alex Collier has been a contactee of this group and continues to provide information. I believe Alex to be a man of integrity giving only information he knows or was told, and he doesn't speculate beyond that.  I respect that about Alex.  His "Andromedan" fiends are blue skinned.  Not that color of skin should matter here or there. They claim to have ancestral links to the Sioux and Lakota tribes in North America.  They are part of the "Galactic Federation".

  2. Then there's the group from The Andromeda Galaxy that we have been providing information  about since 2015.  I can't speak for the entire Andromeda Galaxy but the ones Denice and I have been in contact with originated from Earth, and colonized the Andromeda Galaxy.  They came from Atlantis 1, a successful prior epoch to Atlantis 2, which sunk and failed.   I asked Thor what they called themselves he replied "Andromedans".  Clear as mud right? 

There's some videos out there purportedly from Plieadians in Taygeta that have issues with the Andromedans from the constellation Andromeda in the Milky Way Galaxy putting a veto on their plans to help humanity from within the purported Galactic Federation.   Whether those videos have merit remains to be seen.   I do not have a dog in that fight.

We do know that after Heather filed her banking filings, the first financial system to collapse was off world distributed ledgers (crypto) that traded in Earth products, mostly  human slaves, human by products and wild DNA.  So, yes some groups off world, besides the Draco and Orions, profited from the status quo on Earth.   Who that is, I do not know, but like all things it will make itself known, and is probably doing so now.  

Heather once said to me about the movie Jupiter Ascending, "that's not a movie that's a documentary."   And at this time Saturn and Jupiter are coming to the fore in this long solar system drama.  There's fleets of biospheres and ships parked out there in the outer planets.  It's just safer for those large ships to not be near Earth and affect it gravitationally. 

I will offer this, if any group views Earth humans as needing to be managed, contained, schooled, quarantined or "feral and to be feare"d, they are probably not our friends and have an interest in things staying as they are.  But as I have used the analogy before these waves of incoming energy are coming so fast now that they overtake the prior waves. so anything not compatible with them will be swept aside.  You will know them by their frequency.

There many star nations who have people here in human form. Your essence (soul) is eternal and unique to your experience and it is Source. It contains the experience of all your lives.   Your body is a mortal vehicle to experience physicality. 

Pleiadians in human form are particularly plentiful at this time.  There's just a lot more of them than Andromedans and their essences are compatible with European DNA. Andromedan star seeds seem to be largely from Scots and Welsh ancestries. Some died in the Galactic wars and incarnated here.  Some put their original forms in stasis and volunteered to incarnate as human to assist the planet at this time. And its possible there's some operating in a kind of avatar mode remotely, which the Pleiadians call BIUs (Biological interface units)

Information about Atlantis 2 is highly suppressed as it didn't suit their purposes to let humanity know its long history on the planet.  They've taught people humans have only been here 6000 years.  This is a lie.  If you think you know what went on in Atlantis 2, you probably don't.  Atlantis 2 did have outposts in Antartica, North Africa and North America. Some were, and still are linked by high speed underground maglev trains.  They built stuff to last.   Antarctica is another story, but it is not Atlantis 2, but there was an outpost there.