Previous blog posts I've mentioned that the surviving Atlantean crystals are in the safekeeping of the Crystal City base of the Argarthan realm below the sea off the east coast of the USA and and some are in the care of the Pleiadians.
In October 2013, I attended Lisa Harrison and Brian Kelly's Opal Tour kick off at Tehachapi California where I met a woman name Lydia. She had what she claimed was an "ET crystal" which she was granted temporary custody from a Texas Native American tribe. I later learned it was a shard of an Atlantean crystal from the crystal forest. It was quite unusual. A dark smoky color but completely transparent. I've never seen a quartz crystal like it.
My father was a "rock hound" made turquoise and opal jewelry as a hobby and would take me and my brothers to the Gem and Mineral show at the Arizona State Fair Grounds each year. My favorite was always the fluorescent minerals that would glow under black lights. I've seen a lot of crystals, but really didn't do anything consciousness related with crystals. Such things just weren't in my Christian upbringing at all.
I asked Lydia if I could hold the crystal. She handed it to me and gave me some basic instructions. A few people had telepathic interactions with it, but I didn't expect I would. I was about as telepathic as a brick. It immediately started downloading images into my head, very fast images kind of like MTV video cuts. First symbols of all kinds, many of which I did not recognize, petroglyphs etc. I asked it to show me where it came from, I was shown a crystal forest something like Joshua trees in the California desert but not organic, pure crystals but kind of cactus like. I have seen the crystal forest Skye refers to below.
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Joshua Tree |
I also got an image of a steep mountain valley with pine trees, snow and a bright fog. I assumed at the time I was seeing an image of Norway or Sweden. In November 2013 Caleb invited me to share the costs of a Villa in Morocco where I spent the next two years.
In February 2015 I left Morocco and lived with a group of people in the Italian Alps north of Turin. During a warm spring day the snow was turning to water vapor instead of water and what I saw was a near duplicate of the images I got from the Atlantean crystal.
I didn't know why that image was sent to me and why it matched the area I was in. In June 2015 when Thor reached out from the Sphere Alliance. He rekindled an age old friendship and introduced me to the Data Collectors of the Sphere Alliance. Thor is an Andromedan Commander. I fought side by side with him the galactic wars.
What I learned from the Data Collectors, like Stan X (who read data from crystals) was I returned to Earth from the Pleiades after a devastating Draco attack, I landed in that area in the alps about 4000 years ago, or more accurately the mountains above Hône Italy, the landing spot was to the left of the fortress in the photo below (the fortress was not there 4000 years ago btw). Thor and his wife Sussanah were with me in the shuttle ship. I have been reincarnating here on earth ever since.
Ironically the Bard fortress was used in the movie Avengers Age of Ultron, which featured their version of Thor. And while I was I was living in the area, there was tourists posters of Thor in the town advertising the fortress to tourists. Life can very very strange in its holographic properties sometimes! LOL.
Kabamur, a personality on Twitter, posted some comments on crystals, which led to the following discussion. Kabamur has some interesting data and I don't necessarily agree with all of it, especially his take on Thor (my reply got me banned from Kabamur's account LOL). But I am not hostile to the guy I just don't agree with everything he says. Have discernment in all things! Even the stuff I post, nobody has all of the data. We do the best we can with what we have available.
Skye and KP are the creators of sentient crystals. They are experts with crystals and have a natural affinity to them. If any of you read Kauilapele's blog you've probably noticed all the work he does with crystals. Crystals can store enormous amounts of data and energy. Modern Earth technology has yet to recreate the technology and use to which crystals known during the Atlantis and Lemurian ages. The Pleiadians retained that knowledge.
Skye: Well I've just been catching up with stuff and saw this post a few days ago on Kabamur's twitter feed which reminded me of something way back in 2013.... back in the old days.... lol...
Skye: (His post was a repost of an old post) about the Booms that keep being heard.
Skye: Interesting… because waaaaaay back in 2013 … you know in the old days lol…. I kept seeing crystals on ships, which had been ‘rescued’ from Atlantis and wrote a long Skype post to Heather about it, which I have managed to retrieve, so here it is:
From a 2013 Skype to Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf:
Skye: "The crystals are now on ships stationed at various locations around the planet. They are transmitting their data both to the crystals on this planet and to us …to our DNA… connecting us with the high crystalline frequency, which is also theirs (ie the galactics)…thereby making it easier for us to communicate… and at the same time reconnecting us with our ancient wisdom… upgrading our DNA back to crystalline source DNA.
Skye: Once each of us reaches an optimum frequency – and that is different for each of us because we all started at a different frequency – then this frequency is magnetically locked on to by one of the crystals on a ship and the information/data stored in the crystal is then transmitted to us – to our DNA – absolute data.
Skye: For some people this is causing chaos and confusion… manifesting in different way… For some physically and for others in what is happening around them… However it will eventually balance out… A lot of the crystal upgrades are taking place at night… which is why some people aren’t sleeping well.
Skye: Some embodiments simply cannot take the new higher frequency, they were just never programmed to, so they are leaving. The cabal embodiments are struggling because although they thought they were already at the higher frequency, that was just artificial (energy harvesting) and there is nothing to support the artificial frequency now the old grid is no more.”
Skye: SOOooo… Booms… galactic ships… crystals… ????
Skye: ALSO... at the same time I saw myself walking in a crystal forest... of crystals
Skye: and then on Friday I was at Yoga and we did Yoga Nidra... and the yoga teacher read out a guided meditation where we saw ourselves walking through a crystal forest :)
Martha: Wild!
Martha: Add to that that time doesn’t exist, so 2013 is happening now. You saw now.
Skye: yes
Martha: Are there actually booms or is this internal and the download or change coming in. Or connecting. Martha: I hear pings. Lol.
Martha: Kabamur said huge crystals will rise from the earth at the time of the event. Turning to communicate and guide ships in.
Martha: I think if this stuff, picturing it, and realize I only see it in the context of what I know. So my picture and understanding are likely limited.
Skye: Kabamur said huge crystals will rise from the earth at the time of the event. Turning to communicate and guide ships in.
Skye: Well... lol... I didn't post the whole of what I saw in 2013 because it was quite long... but I will now 😃
Skye: When I saw all this I was out walking by a lake...
SKYE: "I was (physically) beside a lake and the next thing I saw was a huge crystal pyramid rising out of the waters… the words that came to me are the New Atlantis, but pure and clean and absolute. The whales and the dolphins are leaping around it and there is such a feeling of joy. Birds are flying around the pyramid and animals are coming out of the forest. The animals are rejoicing because they feel safe… they haven’t felt safe on this planet for a very long time – from us. And when the animals rejoice it really is time to rejoice… For they KNOW. The sky is all the colours of the rainbow.
Skye: Within the pyramid is a symbol that looks like the flower of life…or the hecatonicosachoron… which is pink with rainbow hues within the pink. I couldn’t clearly see the symbol but I sensed it was a combination of all the sacred geometric shapes in one…
Skye: Then I was was walking amongst what I can only describe as a forest of crystal pyramids. Each crystal pyramid contains a different sacred geometric shape. And there was one big one which exactly replicates the one I saw coming up out of the water, containing the same symbol (combining all the sacred geometric shapes). I feel as though that is where I was taught. Each crystal taught a different wisdom. It was our way of learning lessons. We would go and spend time with each of the crystals to get different pieces of knowledge.
Skye: The forest is looked after by one person who is known as the crystal wisdom keeper… he had always stayed in tune with the crystals and their consciousness and did not intermingle with anyone… …it was at his bidding that the crystals have been put on the ships…
Skye: The crystals had each ‘given birth’, so there are baby crystals in the forest, like baby trees. And each of the babies contains the wisdom of the mother… And it is these small ones that are being loaded onto the ships… to be used as two transmitters… transmitting their crystal consciousness data and wisdom to us… while also being used to put us in touch with them…
Skye: Then I saw myself, wearing a rainbow coloured garment, sitting cross-legged in front of the big pyramid, the Mother crystal, containing the combination of all the sacred symbols, and reciting my final lesson over and over which seemd to be “I Be eternal essence absent limits… I BE eternal essence absent limits”. As though this is the one lesson that I should never forget. The most important one. Then with what felt like a blessing from the Mother pyramid…I was sent off on my mission.
Skye: And that was it… "
Skye: quoting Martha “Are there actually booms or is this internal and the download or change coming in. Or connecting. “
Skye: No people are actually hearing booms... Denice hears them... [the so called NC "Seneca guns"]
Martha: Wow! Your vision/memory. Wow.
Skye: I know
Skye: good job I've kept all that stuff lol
Martha: Yes, good you kept it all. I’m impressed with your filing system.
Skye: me too 😃
Martha: I’m remembering that Margaret is identified as a crystal keeper.
Skye: i think i must have kept the bits i knew were important. Martha: Yes, I agree. You knew intuitively what was important.
Jeffrey: The Crystal Pyramid was initially Energetic Vibrational form, then with the Geometric Symbol gradually become Solid Crystal form. To Imprint/Grow new Crystals with the same Data, is similar to Imprint the DNA: You will need to have the Original Frequency, then form a Seed Crystal, with Electric/Magnetic current In the Pure Water, through a continuous Loop of Piezoelectricity Process (like DNA/RNA keep reproduce more and more Crystal Molecule), hence growing the Crystal.
Jeffrey: To form an Original Crystal without any Data: You need to have a Pure Thought ( which is Light ), concentrate into a drop of Pure Water ( which you can never really separate out a drop a Water, hence contain Unlimited Potential, ever heard about Liquid Light? Lol ), form a Light Seed, then with the Electric/Magnetic ( which exist Every Where in the Universe ) continuously Stimulate the Growth.
Martha: Jeffrey! You know stuff! This is cool!
Martha: I’m remembering an Internet thing where you take a burning piece of charcoal, dunk it into peanut butter. Then drop it into a bucket of ice. In 24 hours, wash it off and it’s crystal. I’ve not tried yet, but you know I will!…
Jeffrey: The are a lot of modern artificial way to grow Crystal of course. The One I describe is the Higher Dimensional/Original way to grow Quartz Crystal.
Martha: Are you calling the peanut butter method artificial??? Lol! Joking. I just want to see if it works. But yes, a higher dimensional frequency is what we want. Peanut butter may not be very high. Lol!
Terran: If you put both chocolate and peanut butter on it do you get a Reese’s Crystal?
Terran: 🤣
Martha: Yes! Really crunchy.
Terran: 💎
Martha: 🤣