
Saturday, January 18, 2020

HATJ MESSAGE 1/16/2020

Terran note: Sorry I missed this one.  I was working most of last week doing ride share driving to make the rent.  BTW thanks to those of you so far who donated, I was able to pay it and get some supplies.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf wrote on 1/16/20: 

Still playing on loop:  ON THE FLOOR ~ Pitbull and Lopez  :)

In complete gratitude, heartitude, love, and celebration for All "get[ting] on the floor!" ;)

-----Terran on 1/16/2020 1:06 AM wrote:

Cosmic Dances erupt in the Light BEings
by EirePort

Cosmic Dances erupt in the Light BEings.

Central presence is embraced.

Inner Beats are heard and followed.

Resonance with the Galactics is felt.

EirePort | January 16, 2020 at 07:07 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: